Who wouldn't want to be smarter, think more clearly, and be able to concentrate better? New Scientist has compiled a list of brain-building suggestions for everyone from students to senior citizens.  Some were new to me, some old hat, some intriguing, and some frightening:
  • Drugs  This is a scary one.  Modafinil, officially prescribed to treat narcolepsy, keeps healthy people awake and alert on little sleep.  Students wanting an extra edge on exams are taking Ritalin for its concentration-enhancing effects.  No matter how much it's claimed that the drugs are not harmful, I'm extremely skeptical.  But if athletes will sacrifice their future for a little present glory, taking metabolic steroids despite the known risk, can performance-enhanced SAT scores be far behind?
  • Food  We've heard most of this before:  Eat a protein-rich breakfast; they suggest beans or Marmite on whole grain toast, but perhaps we could get away with peanut butter.  Throughout the day emphsize fiber (improved cognition), B-vitamins (brain-boosters), eggs and yogurt (for building neurotransmitters),  colorful fruits and vegetables (antioxidants), and fish (brain-enhancing omega-3 fatty acids).  Avoid brain-fouling trans fats.
  • Music  The jury is still out on the Mozart Effect, but the brain-boosting benefits of music lessons are clear.
  • Mental Workouts  Exercises for improving memory help other parts of the brain as well.
  • Physical Workouts  Regular exercise promotes brain growth and reduces brain-damaging stress homones.  Aerobic exercise, sedate walking, and yoga have all shown significant benefit.
  • Sleep  Just what Mom always said:  If you don't get enough sleep, that extra studying is a waste of time.  Not only does sleep improve attention and concentration, but it gives the brain a chance to work in ways it can't when you're awake.  Sometimes a problem really can be solved by "sleeping on it."
  • Not for Children Only  Contrary to what we were all told, even adults can grow new brain cells.
  • Strange but True?  You might have more brain power than you think.  Volunteers in one study increased the strength of their biceps by 13% after 12 weeks of spending 15 minutes a day just thinking about exercising.  And neurofeedback, related to biofeedback, has enabled some people to use their brains in surprising ways, from improving musical technique, to reducing pain, to treating ADHD.
  • Attitude A healthy brain is only one of the benefits of a positive, happy outlook on life.
Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 2:40 pm | Edit
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