Whatever you think about Facebook, there's no doubt it can be unintentionally amusing
I mostly find its "Reels" feature to be annoying, and have more than once looked without success for a way to turn it off completely. The short videos it shows are mostly reposted from Tik Tok, which I don't otherwise see. Sometimes they are interesting, sometimes they are genuinely informative and helpful, but all too often I find them infused with a negative view of life, even when they are undeniably—even addictively—entertaining.
Sometimes, however, something unexpected shows up and catches my eye.
If you don't have access to Facebook, you may not be able to watch the video, unfortunately. I spent too much time trying to find a version I could embed here, without success. I hope that link will take you to something you can see, but if not, it doesn't matter.
My readers know that one of our granddaughters plays on her high school girls' soccer team, and that the team has been wonderfully encouraging and supportive of her family during her sister's leukemia journey.
Here's another way they showed their character.
What caught my eye (more accurately, ear) in this video, and made me listen all the way through, was that it's not often when I hear mention of their tiny New Hampshire high school in nationwide media. I think this is the only time I have, actually. So it made me jump.
The short version of the story is that some of the team members did not want to play against a certain other team on their schedule, which included a boy in their lineup. First, in principle, because theirs is a girls' league, not a mixed one, and also because they found the boy physically threatening. The team's coach handled the situation extremely well: those girls who objected to playing that game were excused without any penalty, and the team played the game without any fuss. Somehow it made the news anyway, but I'm proud of the way they handled the situation calmly and fairly.
Our granddaughter? She played the game, with the support of her parents, even though they all thought it unfair for a boy to be on the opposing team. Why? I can't speak for them, but here are a few reasons that came up in our discussion:
- After all she's been through, Faith wanted to support her team, and to play soccer.
- It wasn't the other team's fault that they had a boy on the team—it was a state ruling that forced them to do so.
- Boys and girls often play successfully on the same soccer team—although that's usually at the younger levels, before males gain a significant physical advantage over females.
- They've played against other teams with girls she found more physically threatening than this boy.
The game was played successfully and without incident. I honestly don't remember which team won. In a way, they both did. Don't misunderstand me: The teams should never have been placed in this position, and the state rule that made it happen needs to be fixed.
But bad things happen in this life, and when they are met with quiet grace, that deserves to be celebrated.
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These are the preliminary results of Grace's MRI. The NF1 team isn't available on Wednesdays, but the oncology team was merciful and gave them what they knew. You can get more details on the Daley Ponderings post.
As previously mentioned, Heather noticed a spot in Grace's ear last summer, and when the NF1 doctors heard about it, they were concerned that it might be a plexiform neurofibroma, and so scheduled an MRI for today to take a closer look. While it has shrunk on the surface, it is still there inside her ear canal, and they officially diagnosed it today. It is a benign tumor, like most NF1 tumors that she is at risk for. Typically, they will grow and cause problems as they bump into other things, though sometimes they stop growing and might not need anything done, and really rarely, especially in children, can shrink and/or disappear.
The great news is that it doesn't appear to be impacting her brain at all. In all likelihood, however, it is the cause of the mild hearing loss in Grace's right ear that has been observed consistently since before her transplant, but was always attributed to something else, such as her having a cold or recovering from covid. And once again, it was Heather who noticed the spot in Grace's ear, though it took months for the doctors to become concerned. How on earth do doctors decide when something needs to be looked into, and when "wait and see" is the better option? Sometimes intervention works best when it's done soonest—and sometimes it really is best not to intervene at all. I think teachers must have the same dilemma.
I'm very glad that one of Grace's doctors specializes in both oncology and NF1; I suspect she will be getting notified directly of everything medical that happens to Grace from now on, because communication amongst doctors doesn't appear to be all that it should be. The NF1 specialists, by the way, are at Dartmouth, not Boston, which is a much more manageable drive for the Daleys. It's shorter, for one thing—and there's no Boston traffic to deal with.
Hopefully today we'll see what the NF1 team has to say. They already have an audiology/otolaryngology appointment scheduled for March 4, and hope to get both oncology and NF1 doctors involved as well for a group discussion of what the next step should be.
Now for two fun stories from yesterday's adventures.
The oncologist confirmed that Grace is "one in a million," saying that she had never heard of a three-year-old undergoing an MRI without sedation (which was my [Jon's] request), and she did a terrific job. She winced once at a loud noise, and then fell asleep to the soothing sounds of the MRI. (And that is sarcasm, if you couldn't tell.) She twitched a little as she fell asleep, but her head had some padding around it to hold it steady, and I was told the pictures came out great.
Grace had been nervous about "going into the machine," but I know no one better than Jon at calming a child who is angry, fearful, or upset. And Grace has had more than a year of practice at lying still for medical procedures. I suspect that a good part of the reason the doctor had never seen nor even heard of a child that age not requiring sedation is that most parents don't know it's an option. Just as I finally discovered that dental procedures and colonoscopies go much better without anesthesia, but few dentists or doctors give patients this option. Kudos to Grace, and kudos to her parents for their strength in following through with what they knew was best.
They gave her a stuffed unicorn to keep her company in the MRI, and she named it Candy Corn. And she insists that it isn't a boy or girl, but just "Candy Corn," which has caused much debate among the kids about whether she understands the question, or whether unicorns have a different set of genders...
Now you know why unicorns are extinct.
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Category Pray for Grace: [first] [previous] [newest]
I've made no secret of the fact that I don't like the movie Forrest Gump. The era of the late 60's and early 70's was a really weird time for our country (and much of the Western world): uncomfortable, ugly, deranged, disagreeable, void of reason and sense. Quite a bit like the last decade or so, in fact. Watching Forrest Gump brought all that back, and I appreciated neither the reminder nor what I believe was an attempt to whitewash the times.
You'd think I'd have the same reaction to Pirates of Silicon Valley, which I watched recently, since it deals with some of the same era. But I enjoyed it thoroughly. Here's the descritpion from Eric Hunley's Unstructured.
Pirates of Silicon Valley is a 1999 American biographical drama television film directed by Martyn Burke and starring Noah Wyle as Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates. Spanning the years 1971–1997 and based on Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine's 1984 book Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer, it explores the impact that the rivalry between Jobs (Apple Computer) and Gates (Microsoft) had on the development of the personal computer. The film premiered on TNT on June 20, 1999.
Two things made this a movie I would enjoy watching again. One is that it shows the good, the bad, and the ugly of that era without either oversensationalizing it or making excuses. The Promethean heroes who brought the power of computers to Everyman were severely flawed, but they were still heroes.
Even more than that, I loved the movie because it brought back good memories, especially at the beginning. The early days of computing were messy, but they were also exciting. I still remember sitting in a small room at the University of Rochester's Goler House, listening to Carl Helmers expounding on the wonders of the Apple 1 computer, which he demonstrated using a cassette tape as an input device. Porter and I looked at each other and said, "I want to buy stock in this company!" Unfortunately, Apple was not publicly traded then, and when it did go public, we were out of the loop and missed the IPO of $22/share and the chance to turn $1000 into $2.5 million. (My father did the same thing when he chose to buy our first house instead of investing the money in Haloid, as recommended by a friend who had just visited the company. Haloid later became Xerox.) We didn't get rich, but we did enjoy being on the fringes of the wild-and-woolly frontier.
Hillsdale College's Imprimis magazine frequently features interesting, inspiring, and intellectually solid articles. I've started a new category for links to some of these articles online, for my records and for anyone else who is interested.
This one is from the December 2024 issue: Religious Liberty and the Genius of the American Founding. There's no pay wall.
Enjoy a very brief introduction to the history of religious liberty and the relationship between sacred and secular authority in the Western World. Here's my favorite line, quoting George Washington:
All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights.
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Category Imprimis:
I know I've already made one post today, but Heather just posted this on Daley Ponderings, celebrating Grace's one-year post-transplant anniversary! I don't want to wait to share the news, so I'll replicate most of it here (and trust I'll be copyright-forgiven).
Today is Day +365. One year ago, this is where we were:
Today, Faith is recovered enough to participate in On Belay's Teen Winter Outdoor Adventure (pictures may come later, since she is there as I type.)
Grace had her first post-chemo haircut (just bangs) the other day.
Even more expert at using chopsticks now:
Little girl hugs:
We plan to celebrate as a family by going out to a restaurant tonight and watching Spy Next Door.
We are so thankful for God's grace and all your prayers and support to get us this far.
The spot on Grace's ear has lightened and shrunk! Keep up those prayers! It looks like God is answering my prayers to heal it up before the MRI. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
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Perusing our church's bulletin for this coming Sunday, I noted the announcement of a special collection to benefit the food pantry at a local elementary school. Here's the list of the most needed items:
- canned fruit
- applesauce
- pasta sauce
- macaroni and cheese
- Pop-tarts
- cereal bars
- pudding
RFK Jr. can't take charge of our government's health priorities soon enough for me!
I share this interview of Matt Taibbi (of Twitter Files fame) by Tucker Carlson for two particular reasons. The entire interview is quite interesting, but there's a bazillion fascinating interviews out there and it's very easy to drown in the flood of information. As our choir director says during the times when we have more choir members than space, "That's a nice problem to have." But it's also exhausting, so I'll put the video here for those who want it, and extract just my two points from early in the interview.
(1) As you know, I was not happy with many of President Biden's last-minute pardons, particularly that of Anthony Fauci. What I did not know, assuming Taibbi is correct, is that the pardons may save the recipients jail time and other legal sanctions, but they also take away their right to "plead the Fifth" when testifying. So Dr. Fauci and any of the others who have been pardonned can now be called on (e.g. by Congressional committees) to testify under oath without being able to weasel out on the basis of possible self-incrimination. Maybe they can't be convicted, but we have a better chance of ferreting out the truth, which is more important.
(2) Finally, someone is asking the questions that have been troubling me for a very long time. Who was running the country and making the executive decisions during the four years of President Biden's tenure? Or, if you don't believe his mental disabilities go back that far, at least for his final year, when even his own party finally had to admit his incompetency. And this: Why wasn't this question on everyone's lips; why wasn't it on every nightly news broadcast? Especially near the end, when whoever was making the decisions seemed indifferent to the increasing possibility that we were heading for open war with Russia? I don't have the answers, and neither does Taibbi. But at least he's asking the questions.
0:00 Fauci’s Pardon
7:32 The J6 Committee’s Pardon
11:02 The Golden Age of Journalism Has Begun
17:44 The Major Questions We Should Be Asking Now That Trump Is President
29:00 The Destruction of Nord Stream Will Kill the EU
33:57 The Key Players of COVID That Have Yet to Be Investigated
36:20 The New Media Landscape
45:17 Trump’s Mass Disclosure Will Make Certain People Very Dangerous
51:13 Will We Ever Truly Know the Purpose of the COVID Regime?
58:45 Russiagate and the Leaked DNC Emails
1:03:28 Kash Patel and Political Espionage
1:20:30 The Intel Agencies That Control Wikipedia
1:33:47 How They Try to Brainwash Us Into Submission
One of the frustrations/pleasures of having lived so long is observing how often opinions, even (maybe especially) "expert" opinions, flip-flop. I've mentioned this before on the issue of healthy eating: Fat is bad; no, it's really good. Protein is bad; no, it's really good. Carbohydrates are bad; no, they're really good. Repeat until no one believes you at all. If you always take these pronouncements seriously, you'll eat nothing—or everything.
This time I'm wondering about our attitudes toward the USAID. During my formative years, the Left fought against that organization, claiming that it was just a front for the CIA, operating under humanitarian pretenses. But now that the Left/Right/Center coalition we have in office is finally trying to dismantle the USAID, the new Left is jumping to its defense. I doubt the USAID itself has changed much.
If you take exception to my designation of the current administration as a Left/Right/Center coalition, and still believe that our new leadership is something out of the Far Right, take a closer look at how many of its supporters and major players, including President Trump himself, were once part of the Democratic Party, and still retain many of its former ideals. (Yours truly included.) This coalition is openly one of many diverse interests giving priority to what they have in common and consider critical for our country to survive—and flourish. How else to explain the strength of President Trump's support among suburban white women and inner-city black men; secular and Hasidic Jews and Arabs; the Amish, young religious people, and half of all Hispanics? It's a strong alliance—albeit a fragile one, because we do have major differences. I pray we can keep our "eyes on the prize" through continued cooperation, compromise, and civil discourse.
It has been too long since I've posted an update on Grace for her friends and pray-ers; the fact that she's doing very well is no excuse. She is active and lively and very smart and such a joy! She does miss her brother Noah, who is now living with us while he continues his flight training here in Orlando, and she always lights up when she sees him on Skype.
One present concern is for a brain MRI coming up on February 12. The reason for this procedure is that Heather noticed a spot of some sort in Grace's right ear, which has consistently shown a slight hearing loss. Each time she was tested, the doctors blamed the diminished hearing on something that could cause congestion (e.g. a recent COVID infection), but it has been consistent and the doctors hope to rule out the possibility of this being another consequence of her NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1). They had been expecting to do a brain scan sometime in the future as a routine part of the NF1 care; the ear situation just hurried it along a bit.
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Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying have the best analysis I've heard yet of President Trump's first executive orders. I don't say that merely because I agree with them on most of their points—the ones they approve of, the ones that raise concerns, and their cautious optimism for our country—but of course that helps.
Approximate timestamps:
00:00:00 Holding Screen
00:05:33 Welcome
00:06:48 Sponsors: CrowdHealth, Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club, ARMRA
00:18:26 Bret & Heather’s Inauguration & MAHA Ball Experience
00:39:18 Executive Orders: The Positive
01:28:45 Executive Orders: The Negative
01:42:33 Executive Orders: The Environmental
02:00:18 Executive Orders: MAHA?
02:02:43 Bret’s Argument for Why Trump COULD Be The GOAT
02:15:34 Closing
Moving on in the 21st century, I did a little playing this morning with Microsoft's Copilot AI. This time, instead of creating images, I asked questions.
I realize that the great danger with asking questions of Automated Idiocy is the biases that are built in, either unintentionally or on purpose. Wikipedia, unfortunately, has developed the same problem, so I'm no stranger to the need to be careful with results. But even Wikipedia can be a great source of information about which there is little dissent, so I began with an inquiry about the availability of Heinz Curry Mango Sauce, which I have not been able to find in this country, despite Heinz being headquartered in Pittsburgh. Copilot quickly suggested three places where I could buy it: Walmart (but it was unavailable when I checked their site), Amazon (also unavailable), and someplace called Pantry.me, which claims to have it, but out of my price range, especially when you add the cost of shipping it to the U.S. Still, Copilot tried, and give me hope that someday Walmart may actually carry it.
Next I asked it to find "Sal's Birdland Sauce," having momentarily forgotten that the name they're using now is "Sal's Sassy Sauce." Despite the incorrect name, Copilot found the item immediately, though for a price that leaves me happy to rely on the generosity of a friend who regularly visits cities with Wegmans supermarkets, where Sal's Sauce can often be found. Or to use my own recipe, which I'm free to say is quite good.
Then I asked a more controversial question: Where can I find ivermectin? First it gave me a stern warning that ivermectin must only be used "under medical supervision"—which is actually not true, depending on where you live; our friends from Ecuador can buy it over the counter at the local pharmacy. But after that it did give me some sources.
Finally, I asked about Switzerland's recommendations with regard to the Covid-19 shots, and received this response.
As of spring and summer 2023, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is not recommending COVID-19 vaccines for its citizens, even for high-risk individuals.
You can still get them, if you insist. If you can convince your doctor to make the recommendation, the shots will be paid for; otherwise you can still get them as long as you pay the costs yourself.
Back to Copilot one more time, where I learned that the United States still recommends the shots for
Everyone aged 6 months and older...including women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant.
As I even now listen to the Senate confirmation hearings of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., all I can do is pray that our recommendations will change soon, especially for the children and babies.
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With all the important things that should be said about current events, sometimes you just have to make room for noting the absurd.
Enter Heather Heying's latest Substack offering, "Not the First Woman President: but yes the First Raccoon". Anyone who has read (and re-read, and loved) Sandra Boynton's "But Not the Hippopotamus" will understand my first thoughts upon reading that title.
Heather is reacting to some particularly absurd responses to President Trump's executive order entitled, "Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government." I have read the order and find it cogent, rational, and much-needed; it states the obvious that should never have had to be stated.
Here's one absurdity, from the Guardian, which headlined its article, "After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president?"
Despite Trump’s decree that sex is “immutable”, the wording of his executive order left some room for interpretation. Indeed, some critics noted that because the undifferentiated genitalia that males and females share very early in fetal development are “phenotypically female”, you could argue he just made everyone legally female.
“[Trump] just declared everyone a woman from conception, based on the language of the executive order,” Delaware representative Sarah McBride, the first openly transgender person elected to the US House of Representatives, told the Independent.”
As Heather states, Nope. Wrong. So wrong. She goes on to detail why. There a lot to that, which you can easily read for yourself, but here's a snippet:
Early in development, everything is undifferentiated. Decades ago, some researchers argued that early “undifferentiated” genitalia are phenotypically female, but they’re not. They may be just a bit more female-like than male-like, but are actually, again, simply undifferentiated. Furthermore, at conception, there are no genitalia at all—nothing exists at that stage to be differentiated or not. Conception is when two cells come together—an egg, from the mother, who is definitionally female, and a sperm, from the father, who is definitionally male.
One commenter on the post pointed out another problem with the absurd headline: Even if one accepts their premise, the first female president would not be Donald Trump, but George Washington.
After all that seriousness, Heather moves into a diversion about the First Raccoon (typical biologist!), who made her debut in the Coolidge White House.
From an article in Harper's Magazine:
Rebecca, who would soon become the First Raccoon, had been sent to the White House in 1926 by a citizen of Mississippi, who perhaps thought that she would taste good with cranberry sauce. President Coolidge declined to eat her. Soon she would be wearing an embroidered collar and taking baths, which she particularly enjoyed when given a cake of soap with which to play.
Here's where I burst out laughing and decided to share Heather's post with all of you:
“And so she lived a life of luxury until she did a thing many of her fellow Americans have dreamed of but very few have achieved: she bit the president of the United States.”
I know nothing about any of the people or organizations involved in the following video, but the poem hit me hard when I discovered a few months ago. It expresses deeply one part of the groundswell that resulted in the election of President Trump, and seems particularly appropriate in light of President Biden's recent preemptive pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
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Thanks to the very valuable eReaderIQ, I learned that C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is currently on sale at Amazon for $0.00. You can't beat that price for excellent content, and it also includes Screwtape Proposes a Toast.