Microsoft is challenging Google with its new search engine, now in beta form. I'll admit to a prejudice against Microsoft because it is so big and monopolistic (though Google isn't exactly small), but I decided to check it out. "Msnbot" keeps sniffing around my sites, and I wanted to see what it had found. Lo and behold, "Lift Up Your Hearts" returns this blog in the #2 spot, and "Linda Wightman" finds the Sursum Corda Home page at #1. The descriptions seem to be more useful than Google's. I was really impressed when I typed in "Warren Langdon" and found his book reviews from the Sursum Corda site, although I later discovered that I can also find them through Google; I just hadn't tried before.
I have an idea why my sites came up so high on Microsoft's list. At first I went with the Microsoft-conspiracy-theory idea -- that their search engine somehow knows what I want to see. :) But now I know there's a more mundane reason, having read a review of MSN Search, in which the reviewer complains that most of the search results are irrelevant....
Posted by
on Friday, November 12, 2004 at 8:30 am
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