You may have noticed I've been posting a lot recently.  At one point I decided to try to write a post a day for the month of June.  There were two reasons for this.  The first—and this doesn't matter for those who use feedreaders, but not everyone does—is that I want to give people a reason to stop by frequently; if you don't write anything new, people get out of the habit.  At least I did, before I let Bloglines keep track of things for me.

The second, more compelling, reason is the accumulating backlog of things impelling me to write.  Books lined up for review; interesting tidbits of news and commentary I figure folks might otherwise not encounter; and the everyday happenings in our lives, which is my attempt to close somewhat the 1000 or more (sometimes much more) mile distance between us and those we love.  The only problem with this system is that the list grows even as it shrinks.  But at least I'm holding my own this month.  I suppose I could post more often (this is actually my second post of the day), but there is more to life—like laundry, as the persistent dryer buzzer is now reminding me.
Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, June 23, 2008 at 4:17 pm | Edit
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Hm. Is that a subtle hint?

Posted by IrishOboe on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 2:46 am

Perhaps I need to say it out loud, because you're not the only one to wonder: My philosophical musings are general, never for -- or against -- any reader in particular; to do otherwise would be impolite. Actually, just what, to whom, and why I post is the subject of another of those posts on my backlog list. Maybe I should move it up in priority. :)

Of course, if you want to take this as as a sign that some of us would welcome more frequent updates to IrishOboe, that's fine with me. :) But you're certainly not in danger of losing me as a reader: I use a feedreader, and what's more I check the blogs of my nearest and dearest manually because Bloglines is sometimes slow at discovering new posts.

Posted by SursumCorda on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 6:57 am
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