6:30 p.m. Porter has finished with the windows, which means he added our bedroom, the living room window over the piano, and the bathroom. He decided to skip the small windows around the front door, and the large, sliding glass doors in the back, all of which are a bit more protected. This meant that we had three pieces of plywood left over, which a friend (the same one from whom we borrowed the trailer) was glad to take off our hands. Now we just have to figure out what we’re going to do with the rest of the plywood when we take it off the window. I see a reorganization of the garage in the future....
For the curious, here’s the window-covering procedure: Measure windows, cut plywood to size. Holding plywood in place over the window, drill through the plywood with a regular drill bit, using drill #1. Switch to drill #2 and drill through the concrete block with a special bit. (Believe it or not, the bit that works on concrete does not work on the wood.) Taking care not to let the holes become un-aligned, screw in the Tapcon, using drill #3. Repeat many, many times, each time getting slower and harder, until you finally switch to new drill bits. (Each box of Tapcons comes with a drill bit, which tells you something about how long they last.)

My contribution to the afternoon, other than occasionally lending a hand with the plywood, was mostly cooking and other indoor prep. Two pizzas and several quesadillas later, most of the perishables have been used, and we have several things to eat that will not require heating.

There’s still more to do, but we’re both taking a break—Porter to check out the news, and me to write this update. Although it’s still too early to know what will happen, right now they’re talking about more damage from flood than from wind, although there will probably still be enough of the latter to make us happy we put up the plywood. We’re grateful that Frances is looking a bit more disorganized, and is currently a Category 3 instead of Category 4. Thankfulness helps me keep my mind off the fact that I SHOULD be picking Heather, Jon, and the WMAG up at the airport tonight....

Note: Hurricane preparation is good exercise.
Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, September 3, 2004 at 6:30 pm | Edit
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