On Friday Jonathan and Heather had accompanied us the park for our regular running date. While Dad-o ran, the rest of us walked around the trail. Sometimes Jonathan is enthusiastic about running, and we thought he might enjoy it here, but he was not in the mood. In fact, he wanted to be carried from the beginning. With encouragement, he walked about 0.7 miles before I gave him a piggy back ride the rest of the distance to the playground.

Monday we returned, and this time as we were walking the trail, he spontaneously began to run, off and on, pausing to check out the various fitness stations. When Dad-o sped past us, I commented, “Dad-o runs fast.” Then Jonathan took off, declaiming, “Jonathan run fast!” In spite of, or more accurately because of, his new enthusiasm, we did not push him so far this time (following the “stop before he asks to stop” rule), but took a shortcut to the playground. There he indulged his passion for swinging (“swing fast!”) while we took turns getting upper body exercise pushing him. He particularly liked Dad-o’s enthusiastic pushes.

There are several forms of slide at that playground, and once again we observed his challenge–retreat behavior. When we arrived, he headed directly for the tall, curly slide that he had tried last time but not had the courage to slide down. He climbed up eagerly enough, but hesitated at the top, pronouncing this slide a “tough one.” Finally, he announced that he was climbing back down the ladder, and he did. He then proceeded to a slide in which the down part was low and easy, but climbing up difficult. The ladder had only three “steps,” but they were single rungs far apart and had to be climbed like a jungle gym with arms as well as legs. At first he asked for help, but before we left had figured out the problem and could make the climb himself. He also returned to the curly slide and mustered the courage to launch himself down. It was a wild ride, and both elbows needed kisses where he banged them against the sides of the slide, but he was pleased with himself and shed no tears. That was enough of that for today, however, and for the next several slides asked to ride on Heather’s lap. That still represented progress from earlier in the hour, when he had refused that offer and insisted on climbing down the ladder.

While swimming today, Jonathan consolidated and expanded recent gains, hand-walking (along the wall) more than halfway to the other end of the pool, and having a blast swimming with Mommy, showing her his prowess.
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 7:24 am | Edit
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