Lift Up Your Hearts!, IrishOboe, Sursum Corda, and SalemsAttic have a new home: Lime Daley! This is no bad reflection on our previous host, TLC Web Enterprises, which always treated us well, but we are excited about the change. How many other people can call up tech support and get excellent service, knowledgeable assistance...and the sound of their grandchild in the background?

In addition to setting us up on the Lime Daley server, Jon upgraded our blog software version, so there are some changes. Probably the first thing you noticed is how much faster the pages load. Note also the nifty search box to the right, and the fact that posts can now be assigned more than one category. One downside of the fact that the new version uses caching: sometimes you will need to reload the page (reload, refresh, depending on what your browser calls it) to be sure you are seeing the most up to date posts.

The transition went amazingly smoothly, thanks to Jon's prompt and diligent efforts, but we're still working out some minor details as I get accustomed to the new system, so please let me know if you notice any problems.

So...Lift Up Your Hearts! is back in business—please feel free to post and comment once again.
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 10:08 am | Edit
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You can change the timeout on the caching, or turn it off altogether. It is probably most appropriate to either, turn off http caching, and set the template caching to -1, or leave both caching settings on, and set the timeout to whatever you think is appropriate for your site. The users shouldn't really have to hit refresh if the settings are set appropriately.

Posted by jondaley on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 at 12:20 pm
Ah, I see that mine is set to timeout after an hour, which is reasonable. If your blog has the same setting, the fact that I can go to Daley Ponderings, see nothing new, hit reload, and then see a new post only means that I'm checking too often for more Jonathan stories. :)

Posted by SursumCorda on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 at 12:42 pm
Mine was set to 4 hours. I just lowered it to 2 for those impatient folks... (:

Posted by jondaley on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 at 1:25 pm
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