In a moment of weakness, I brought home a Rubbermaid bin full of family books, papers, and photographs from my sister's house when we were there for Thanksgiving. It only made sense: I'm the genealogist in the family; I have many other boxes of family material already; these are things I need to sort through, analyze, and scan eventually; and my sister was cleaning out her basement.

On the other hand, what was I thinking?

My sister's house is MUCH bigger than ours, and I know I'm not going to get to these particular papers for a long time yet. I brought the bin into the house, and stared in some despair at the overstuffed closet in my office. Living in Florida, we have no basement, and neither the attic nor the garage can provide suitable storage for papers. So before the new box could go into my closet, a major makeover was required.

Not exactly what I wanted to do this month, but it's done, the closet looks wonderful (if still over-full), and I feel great. What's more, I had taken two empty Rubbermaid bins out of our garage to pack for our trip, brought home one full of papers to keep (now stored in my closet), and still managed to return THREE Rubbermaid bins to the garage this afternoon!

Whoo-hoo! Now I just have to deal with the rest of my office...and try to forget that each of the bins piled in my closet represents an enormous amount of work waiting to be done. As Janet said, my to-do list isn't long, it's high.
Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, December 9, 2006 at 12:25 pm | Edit
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