I know most of my Loyal Readers are shivering, with temperatures in the teens and even single digits, so you'll be glad to know that spring it on its way.  A week ago I was working in our backyard when a flock of robins came through:  bird after bird, alighting only long enough for identification before resuming their steady course—straight north.   As I stood there with sweat pouring down my face—my below-zero wind chill experience of ten days earlier barely a dim memory—I could hardly blame them.  Our highs were in the 80's and a few days later we switched the thermostat from "Heat" to "A/C."

Poor robins!  I hope they didn't get too far north last week.  It's 47 degrees at the moment, and the thermostat switch has reverted.  Then again, I'm sure 47 degrees sounds like a tropical paradise to most of you....
Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 6:38 am | Edit
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ahhhhh...springtime! robins!!! i'm SO eager for spring this year. thanks for the encouraging news. ~liz

Posted by liz on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 at 1:43 pm
A Flock of Robins
Excerpt: We don't see robins much at all here, but when we do, they are almost always in flocks.  Having grown up with the excitement of one or two robins heralding the arrival of spring, to see a couple of dozen robins suddenly descend on our yard is alwa...
Weblog: Lift Up Your Hearts!
Date: February 12, 2010, 11:22 pm
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