It's an old trick, I fell for it, and I'm glad.

Grocery stores love to put attractive displays in the checkout area, in hopes of luring shoppers to add one or two more items to their carts while waiting.  Albertsons has large displays of fresh, hot French bread, particularly irresistable to those who come to the grocery store on their way home from work.

I rarely give in to the temptation, but today I saw something new:  Nabisco's Honey Maid Gingerbread Graham Crackers.  I recommend you all go to your nearest tempting grocery display and buy some!  It's hard to imagine why anything this good can get away with being called "cracker" rather than "cookie," but hey, at least it's whole wheat.  :)

Hmm, guess I'd better find something to work on in a part of the house closer to the front door.  Trick-or-treaters are starting to arrive, and the frequent interruptions make writing difficult.
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 6:55 pm | Edit
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thank you for the review! i saw them recently and wondered if they were worth the purchase!

by the way - i'm glad you posted five good things!

Posted by ~liz on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 9:12 pm
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