As Smithical well knows (we all laughed when she tagged me), I find most memes silly, so I'm breaking the rules by breaking the chain and not tagging anyone. But I respect her and love reading her blog, so I'll play along a little bit. Besides, it's easier than writing about more important matters, and all I feel up to in the 40 minutes I have before going to the dentist.
Five random and/or odd things about me:
- I grew up thinking that genealogy and family history were unutterably boring, and that anyone who cared about such things must be a snob. About five years ago I discovered that genealogical research is more fun than a World of Puzzles magazine, and learning about my ancestors has made history (once an exceedingly dull subject) come alive for me.
- Make that history and literature. My direct ancestors (nth great-grandparents) include Duncan I of Scotland (think MacBeth), Edward I of England (Braveheart), King John of England (Robin Hood and The Lion in Winter, and the Magna Charta), King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine (Becket and The Lion in Winter) as well as William the Conqueror and Charlemagne. I suppose that makes me one of those snobs I despised, if it counts as bragging to be related to so many scoundrels. :) However, this is nothing particularly unusual; such ancestry is common to many people with early New England ancestors. Eminent genealogist Gary Boyd Roberts (formerly of the New England Historic Genealogical Society) has said, "Living Americans with 50-100 immigrant ancestors in New England (or Long Island), in Quaker (but not German or Scots-Irish) Pennsylvania, or in the Tidewater South (but often not the Piedmont, Shenandoah Valley, or mountainous "backcountry") can expect to find a royally descended forebear."
- Nonetheless, I have not yet been able to find any for Porter, despite his extensive New England ancestry. He has at least three separate Mayflower families in his line, however.
- We have friends in France who live on the site of one of the above-mentioned Henry II's fortifications, and not far from where he and Eleanor of Aquitaine are buried.
- Ancestors aside, We have the best family and extended family in the world! (None of them scoundrels.)
I've much to write about, but since I just returned from a lovely Thanksgiving+ visit with family and friends, and had a full day's work worth of travel today, I will begin with just a few random comments about my trip home.
Pittsburgh is a lovely airport to wait in: they play soft classical music and real Christmas carols, without the accompaniment of blaring television sets.
If you print your USAirways boarding pass at home, the pass is printed twice on the page, with a dotted line between and instructions to "cut here." If you do that, be careful which paper you pull out to show at the security checkpoint, because if you give the guard the one labelled "customer copy," she will make you hold up the line while you dig out the other one. It seems logical to me to keep the one I'm going to need to get on the plane in a safe place, and use the other copy as the one I'm likely to drop and/or lose in the shuffle of coat, shoes, laptop, luggage, and clear plastic bag. But the TSA doesn't agree. At least not in Pittsburgh, at least not today.
The bus ride between the airport and the stop nearest home takes two hours during rush hour. If one has a World of Puzzles magazine, the ride is no worse than the flight, though without the free drink and pretzels.
Ah, yes. The free drink. Usually I ask for tea or water, but since this time it was an ersatz lunch, I felt the need for something more substantial and nutritious. So I asked for "spicy tomato juice," which sometimes gets me V8 and sometimes, like today, "Bloody Mary mix." The attendant generously gave me the whole can, so I was able to check out the nutritional information on the label. Sure enough, it promised to provide 25% of my daily requirement of vitamin A, and a few other good things, and for only 70 calories. So far so good. Then I notice the sodium level.... Nearly two grams! As much as an entire 10-12 ounce bag of potato chips. It tasted very good at first, but I couldn't finish it. Since coming home I've been drinking lots of water and tea to try to flush some of that salt assault out of my system.
It's hot in Orlando! The overly-air conditioned bus and the dark sky almost convinced me that it was cool outside, but not for long. After the 30-minute walk home I had to resist the impulse to put on the A/C, but it was really only 70 degrees inside, so I just needed to change out of my jeans and long-sleeved turtleneck, which were much more appropriate for Pittsburgh's below-freezing temperatures than Orlando's 80 degrees.
Tomorrow I begin the assault on Mount Mail, Mount Laundry, and Mount All-That-Stuff-I've-Been-Avoiding-For-The-Past-Two-Weeks. Um, well, not until after a visit to the dentist for a double-coronation ceremony....
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Thank you, veterans, and all who are and have been prepared to give the "last full measure of devotion" for our lives and freedom, whether we honor, despise, or ignore them.
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So states an Orlando Sentinel article with the bizarre and ominous headline, "Hong Kong Tests Toys for Date Rape Drug." It appears that the Chinese manufacturers of a children's arts and craft item called Spin Dots (also known as Bindeez), instead of using the non-toxic compound 1,5-pentanediol, substituted 1,4-butanediol, which metabolizes into the "date-rape" drug gamma hydroxy butyrate when swallowed.
Surely the article's author was being facetious, for it is abundantly clear why the substitution was made; as the article states, the non-toxic compound is between three and seven times more expensive than the dangerous one. It is the Chinese-made toothpaste scandal all over again, in which toxic diethylene glycol was substitued for harmless, but more expensive, glycerin.I came upon this Sheep Dash game in an article on sleep cycles. Supposedly it provides a measure of how sleep-deprived one is, though they admit reaction time is slowed by aging as well. I've found I score "Bobbing Bobcat" pretty consistently, and it tells me to go get a cup of coffee. I only score worse when a head-bobbing sheep tricks me into jumping the gun. Once I achieved "Rocketing Rabbit" but have not yet repeated the feat. Maybe after a nap....
I'd be interested in seeing how you video game players score. I expect you'll do much better, though it won't be a fair contest since none of the video gamers I know are as old as I am. :)Natsukashii! There's no sound like it. I had lost track of Discovery while out of town, but the familiar twin sonic booms as I was fixing lunch alerted me in time to turn on the television and watch the landing.
It had actually been quite a while since I'd heard that sound—even if the shuttle doesn't have to land in California, it sometimes takes a path other than one that goes over our part of the state. This time it was quite subdued, though still obvious; at others it has been known to wake us from a deep sleep.Permalink | Read 2115 times | Comments (0)
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Heard in passing: Money you pay in taxes doesn't come out of your pocket.
There's a chance I missed something critical here, since I just walked by the radio and didn't hear the whole story. But what I heard was the results of a survey of people in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and some other countries, about which the reporter stated, with a serious and worried tone, that people in the United States pay about $1000 more per year in out-of-pocket health care expenses than those in most of the countries surveyed.
Most of the countries have socialized medical care and their people pay heavily in taxes for their services. I should hope they'd be paying less out-of-pocket!
But somehow, if you pay money to the government, rather than to a doctor, it doesn't count. As an economist I know keeps reminding me, "A dollar is a dollar is a dollar." And so is a pound, a euro, or a franc.