Don't take my word for it; read about Our Big News in Janet's own words (and pictures).  For the really curious, you can find a link to Stephan's blog there.  Hmmm, her webmaster is going to have to make a change, and move thduggie up from Friends to Family on the sidebar.  And while I'm at it, will IrishOboe change to SwissHarp, or maybe SwissFiddle?  Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I'm contemplating the complexities of having an international family.

Such as figuring out how to type umlauts.  In Word, it's easy—CTRL/SHIFT/colon key followed by the letter, in this case "u"—easy to remember because the colon looks like an umlaut turned 90°.  In HTML, ü translates to ü, and in LifeType one can insert it via the "custom character" button.  (Technically, in LifeType it's called "u diaeresis," but while that may matter to people like Peter, it's a distinction without a difference to me.)  There's also an easy out:  one can write "ue" instead.

Oh, I know there are a few other difficulties, such as no matter where they live, at least one half of the couple is going to be too far away from family.  But I'm not thinking about that (much) now; instead I concentrate on the delightful side, such as having in-family tutors in another culture and several other languages.  It's not all bad to have an excuse to visit Europe.  :)

And have I mentioned that Stephan is a nice guy, that he and Janet seem to complement each other very well, and that he makes her very happy?
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 11:14 am | Edit
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And that you're already embarrassing me like a mother? ;-) But I'm glad you think so, too. In return, another hint: ALT-129 with the numbers on the number pad.

Posted by Stephan on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 1:01 pm
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