I know why I write, but why do you read?

Because writing is an essential part of the way I think, and blogging is the best venue I've yet found, I'm not likely to stop posting here anytime soon.  However, as part of an ongoing analysis of the most productive use of my time, I'd appreciate your feedback very much.  Feel free to answer here, by name or anonymously, or if you prefer you can e-mail me.  Below are some questions that are burning in my mind, but don't let them limit you.

  1. Which subjects and approaches make you eager to read the post?  Which do you read with only minor interest or skip altogether?   Book reviews?  News, commentary, and ideas I've found elsewhere and repost here?  My own commentary on various issues?  Stories about our everyday life, including travels?  Education, children and family issues, conservationist living, health topics, food, genealogy, computing problems/solutions, amusing comics and other fun stories? Short posts with links, or longer posts with quoted excerpts?
  2. How often do you like to see new posts?  Does one/day overwhelm you?  Does one/week disappoint you?  How often do you visit?  Do you come by every day, hoping for something new?  Or do you check in via feedreader once a week and think, "Oh, no, there are too many"?  (If you say the latter I won't take it as an insult; I love the quality of most of the Front Porch Republic posts, but I can't handle the quantity.)
  3. What, if anything, do you find of value here?  This is not quite the same question as #1.
Many thanks for your responses.  I don't know yet how I'll use them, but I'm sure they'll help in my deliberations.  Choosing good over bad may sometimes be difficult, but at least it's usually clear.  Deciding among several good things can be rather murky territory.
Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 12:06 pm | Edit
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I read because you're my mom. (: I also value your opinions and insight, and you bring to my attention a lot that I would miss otherwise. I generally enjoy your posts on many topics, but some not as much. Detailed economic theory is one example, but I can't think of others right now.. Favorites are aspects of your personal life like what you did last week, how your garden and worms are doing, etc. I prefer excerpts within posts because I rarely click links to other articles. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the quantity in my feedreader, but I just take it slowly and may not get through it all for a while.
It's not only because you're my Mom; yours is one of my most interesting and enjoyable blogs. I like the variety.

Posted by joyful on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 9:35 pm

I enjoy reading your posts on most topics except the ones on government/politics. This may be where you get most of your outside-the-family comments though. My not reading them has nothing to do with your position, it has more to do with my lack of interest. I would much rather read about family, genealogy, everyday life, etc. I use your blog as a way to keep in touch with what you are doing.

I read every day and I have to admit I am disappointed when I click over from your Welcome Page and find nothing new (that goes for other members of your family who have blogs as well - how dare you actually have a life!).


Posted by dstb on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 8:35 am

I doubt I could be overwhelmed by your blog, considering the vast quantity of other blogs I read (or at least skim) (though the RSS reader told me he had missed me for six days, and so had plenty for me to read today...)

Posted by Jon Daley on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 1:24 pm

I forgot to answer the other question about content - I read everything, though I am less interested in the historical and genealogical stuff.

Posted by Jon Daley on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 1:25 pm

I read everything eventually when I can. I use a feedreader, which means I occasionally miss a post (like I nearly did with this one!). I get overwhelmed with more than two a day, but consistency is better than an stream of new posts. Yours is one of the few blogs I regularly check even when I'm behind and doing less computer work. I like the variety of topics and your insight. I only dislike it when you state your opinion in a way that could be offensive to others, but I tell you when I think you've done that. Yes, and about my blog, maybe someday . . .

Posted by Janet on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 3:49 pm

I read to be able to correct you any time you claim George Bush did anything right or that he and Obama differ in any meaningful way.


Posted by Phil on Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 9:18 pm

I read because we're related. I skim sometimes where the entry turned long, often on topics that aren't very dear to my heart (e.g. worm condos, political anxiety, Hez). I prefer reading posts that led to comments, because I don't always check in that frequently, and comments are a pretty good indicator that someone finished reading the post.

Posted by Stephan on Monday, June 01, 2009 at 2:03 am
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