What drives spam?  Money, obviously.  And sin.  Sin on both ends:  the sin of greed on the part of the spammer, and the sin that the spammer is hoping will entice his victim to throw money his direction.  Spam, therefore, may be a diagnostic tool, an x-ray scan revealing the broken and diseased places of our society.

If the spam that hits this blog (and is mostly filtered out before you see it) is any measure, the sickest area of our society is sex, although that observation is a bit like peering at an x-ray and announcing that the patient's leg is broken when anyone can see the jagged bone protruding from the flesh.  Porn of the worst kind, body part enhancements, "performance" drugs:  "greed meets lust" is a terrible combination.

Then there's "greed meets greed," the get-rich-quick schemes, from online gambling to fraudulent investments to Nigerian banking scams.

I don't know what to make of the drug spams.  Most are obviously either lust spam or promoting illegal drugs, but some appear to be illegitimate sources of legitimate drugs.  (Unless there's a street use for Retin-A that I'm unaware of.)

Every once in a while there appears a spam that actually looks as if it might be an ad for a real company that decided to try a new marketing ploy.  Poor judgement, but at least inoffensive.

The latest wrinkle, although also inoffensive, has me both worried and frustrated:  essay spam.  Greet meets dishonesty?  Greed meets incompetence?   Have students become so lazy, so insecure, and so convinced of the uselessness of their classes that the market for essays has become lucrative enough to attract spammers?  Is anyone really so stupid as to buy an English essay written by someone who could pen the following?

Students have a chance purchase the research paper or buy custom essay papers at the essay writing service about this good post. 

Lots of critical essay writing about will be done for some people that wanna to have some knowledge superb facts close to to our terms . 

This need very long time to find more ideas just about this post but the essay writing can aid somebody to get the proper custom papers and to buy essay 

The thesis service is perfect and the company appreciate you for the hot data about this good post. Thence, after this some people really get know just about buy dissertation and buy a paper. 

I probably will come along your incredible information about this post in time of the term paper and just art essay completing. Thus, thanks a lot for work.

This kind of spam is difficult for the filters to manage, it hardly seeming reasonable to ban the word "essay."  I delete it when i see it, but that's usually not before feedreaders have picked it up.  That's frustrating—but at least the amusement factor eases the sting.
Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 8:39 am | Edit
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And now that you've used all those words, the spam filter will think you like them, so make it even harder to filter out... :)

Posted by Jon Daley on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 2:01 pm

Remember, the majority of this world is not able to distinguish good English from the ninety percent accuracy of the spammers. For this majority writing in English is likely a huge effort that may sometimes make trusting a spammer seem worth it, especially in required classes they find boring and full of busywork.

Still wrong, but understandable.

Posted by Stephan on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 12:33 am

Interesting! I never thought about it from the global perspective. It hadn't occurred to me that the intended audience might be someone living in a non-English-speaking land. If so, mine seems quite an inappropriate blog on which to post, but probably spammers aren't all that discriminating.

Posted by SursumCorda on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:42 am

I noticed that all of the essay spam on my blog is coming from a large ISP in the Ukraine ( so I blocked it. Presumably they'll figure that out and start using another country, but it should slow them down for a while.

Posted by Jon Daley on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 9:51 am

Thanks. :)

Posted by SursumCorda on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 11:26 am
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