The title isn't quite true, but it gets past the censors.

Joseph is the non-spitting-est baby I've ever met.  I never think of using a burp cloth, and although when I packed for this trip I took into consideration that my clothes would be subject to much baby spit-up, it simply hasn't happened.

It was a good choice of shirts, however.

Joseph had awakened after a three-hour nap, and was not surprisingly in need of a change.  Joseph finds a diaper change to be very inspirational.

Have you heard of the volcanoes that, instead of erupting straight up in the air, blow their lava out a side vent?  Bright yellow lava, hitting Grandma straight in the face, and adding a contrasting golden spray to the dark blue Carnegie Mellon t-shirt. 

No problem.  We're signed up for laundry on Thursday.

Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 11:23 am | Edit
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Reminds me of an incident D had with one of the boys. It was early in the morning and I was laying in bed waiting for D to bring the baby (disagreement on which one) in for feeding.

My mom was here and I heard an exclamation and then her and Dave laughing. As you said, the bright yellow lava was sent shooting across the changing table and all over the crib. Fortunately, I had to occupy myself with feeding.

And, as I am sure the new parents will find, boys need to be kept covered or a geyser will erupt (something about the release of diaper pressure or something). In addition to catching the changer unaware, they also get themselves in the face.

Posted by dstbdstb on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7:20 am

Yes, that's probably the worst: if you don't catch the wee, it catches him in the face or spills off the side and soaks the changing pad so that he's twice as uncomfortable for the entire changing. (He's never wet me, always pointed up at himself.) Janet's idea of using a washcloth as an absorbent barrier has so far worked very well - he wets the cloth and nothing but and he's done.

Posted by Stephan on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 5:01 pm
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