Liz at Smithical has issued a challenge to honor Thanksgiving by blogging about something we're thankful for each day of November.  It will be a bit of a trick to accomplish, as I already have more posts in the pipeline than time to work on them, and I hope to liberate myself from my computer for several days this month.  But it's a grand idea, so I'm going to plunge in.  She didn't say the posts must be long, or profound.

The concept fits nicely with an idea for a post I was in the middle of constructing:  The Good New Days.

After more than half a century of observation, it's very easy to be aware of (and complain about) how much society has changed for the worse over the years.  I mention examples from time to time (some would say frequently), and it's not just the mutterings of an old curmudgeon:  it's true that in many ways we are in bad shape and getting worse.

However, it is equally true that we have made significant gains, and some things are much, much better than they were.  I'll attempt to mention one of these for each day of November, both to encourage myself and to warn the next generations not to take the improvements for granted.  Without vigilance, what has been won can often be lost.

To begin:  I'm thankful to be living now.  I've often expressed the opinion that I was born too late, that I belong in an earlier era.  But truthfully, if I belong then, I would have been living then.  This is the day that the Lord hath made for me.

Besides, I've seen the toilet facilities in those medieval castles.

Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, November 1, 2010 at 6:44 pm | Edit
Permalink | Read 2720 times
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yay! thanks for sharing your thanksgivings, too! :) ~liz

Posted by ~liz on Tuesday, November 02, 2010 at 7:49 pm

Oops, sorry Liz! Your comment got buried and I only just saw it to moderate. Guess I'm still getting the system figured out.

Posted by SursumCorda on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 9:28 am
It's a Great Time to Be a Parent
Excerpt: I was challenged by a friend's assertion: I am so glad I am not raising kids in these times. Neither of us is of an age where this is anything but a philosophical issue, but nonetheless I'm going to take it on. Because I think this is a GREA...
Weblog: Lift Up Your Hearts!
Date: December 30, 2016, 4:35 pm
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