I don't deny that the world might end today; it's going to end sometime.  I knew one guy who would occasionally look up at an impressive looking sky and say, "That would be a good cloud for the Lord to return on!"  But he knew better than to predict a specific day.  What floors me is the number of people who scorn those who have listened to other "end of the world" predictions in the past, yet seriously think it might end today.  Oh, the power of rumor in the Internet Age!  Children have been calling NASA to ask the best way to euthanize their pets so they don't have to suffer through the end!  Where are these kids' parents, and what Kool-Aid have they been feeding their children?

Figuring the best way to counter nonsense is often to ignore it, that's what I'd planned to do, until my nephew came up with the best take on the situation, which he posted yesterday:

The end of the world is tomorrow.  I got my drivers permit today.  Does anyone else see a connection here?

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 21, 2012 at 2:03 pm | Edit
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