
Tomorrow, Joy will turn two years old.  (I almost said, "will celebrate her second birthday," but with so many sick folks around here, I suspect the celebration will occur a bit later.)

Except for her size, you wouldn't guess her age.  Trying to keep up with three older siblings is a powerful incentive to tackle projects beyond what most people expect of you.  I've written before about her unusual physical coordination at fourteen months; she continues to excel in both large- and small-motor skills.  She dresses herself completely with no difficulty, though it must be admitted that she hasn't figured out the matching socks thing yet.

Joy is a willing and able helper.  She can help set the table.  If she's thirsty, she can get a cup and fill it at the kid-sized sink in the kitchen—though at the moment she can only reach the hot water tap.  She can clear off her place at the table and put her dishes in the dishwasher.  If the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, she can unload all but the items in the middle of the top shelf, which she can't reach, and put them away (with the help of a chair for the higher shelves of the hutch).  When it's time to fold laundry, she's quite good at knowing whose clothes are whose, and very competently folds the cloth napkins and puts them away.

She doesn't talk much yet.  No, that's not true; she talks plenty, but we're not so great at understanding her yet.  She understands a lot, however, including such complicated instructions as, "Please put the dirty napkins in the basket in the laundry room."

Having been the baby of the family for almost two years, she needs to learn a bit more about self-control when her will is thwarted, a process that will no doubt come quickly now that she is a big sister.  She has adjusted amazingly well to her new rank, no doubt in part thanks to having a couple of extra adults to fill the gap in parental attention.  She's happy to let Grandma attend to her, even when sick, and has Dad-o wrapped around her little finger.  When she gets a chance she slips out of the kitchen and climbs the stairs to the apartment where he sits with his three computers.  "Dad-o?  Dad-o?  [Read] book?"

When she can't find an adult or a sibling to play with, Joy will entertain herself for hours:  looking at books, playing with dolls, building with Legos, "cooking" in her play kitchen, writing in her "school" notebooks.

No, she's not perfect.  She has a temper, and does not take well to being shut out of her siblings' play, which happens sometimes, as she's not gentle with her sister's cards and would rather take apart Legos than build, especially if the Legos in question are her brothers' special creations.  But she's very sweet, amazing, a true delight, and well worthy of her name.

Happy second birthday, Joy!

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, February 22, 2013 at 10:24 am | Edit
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Happy Birthday, Joy!

Posted by dstb on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 9:53 am

I say there are really only two jobs in life. One is putting the Legos together. The other is taking the Legos apart. One sometimes requires duct tape and the other WD-40. Joy is already half-way there and she's not yet 2! Bravo, and happy birthday!

Posted by Eric on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm

Thanks, Eric. She did have a good birthday&mash;or as good as it gets when someone is wiping your nose every couple of minutes. She enjoyed getting her stickers, her very own deck of cards (a gift as much to her remarkably patient sister as to her), and her Babar's Museum of Art book, which I recommend highly. I first saw the book in an art museum store, and fell in love with it as soon as I saw the subtitle: Closed Mondays. I was completely sold when I recognized the inspiration for the story as the Musée D'Orsay. Cap it off with the fact that it is hard to introduce this set of grandchildren to great art because of their parents' (understandable) reluctance to have pictures of nudes or even semi-nudes lying around, and it was a triple-crown winner. Who can object to a nude elephant?

Posted by SursumCorda on Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 6:50 am

Happy birthday blessings sweet Joy...Sorry I am late on this!!! <3 XOXOXOXOX

Posted by Pami Gregorio on Sunday, March 24, 2013 at 3:17 pm
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