Most of you know that I'm not fond of Presbyterian sermons.  In my experience, even if they're good they're too long, because the preacher says everything three times.  But I'm posting this for three reasons:

  • It's local:  First Presbyterian Church of Orlando.  It was never our church, but both kids had musical gigs there at one time or another.
  • It's fascinating:  I'd never have guessed this was a Presbyterian preacher.  Baptist maybe.  Even Pentacostal.  But Frozen Chosen?  Nah.
  • It's a good take on the whole egalitarian/complementarian debate, with points for both sides.

Do I agree with everything? Rhetorical question.  You know I never do.  But you know there must be something to it if I think a sermon that long is worth listening to.

Posted by sursumcorda on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 5:55 am | Edit
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Sorry; once again I forgot that some feedreaders strip off the embedded video. I've corrected the post to include the link.

Posted by SursumCorda on Thursday, June 06, 2013 at 6:53 am