Our choir anthem for Sunday, October 27, 2013:  When in Our Music God Is Glorified (arr. by Mark Hayes, Beckenhorst Press, BP1750). 

I couldn't find a YouTube video, but you can hear it at JWPepper.com:  When in Our Music God Is Glorified.  This was particularly fun because I thought it wasn't going to be.  That is, we only rehearsed it twice, once on Wednesday and once on Sunday, and like most of Mark Hayes' arrangements, it was non-trivial.  Still, as happens unbelieveably often, it all came together in the service.  Not perfect, but I'm learning to tame my inner perfectionist and be pleased with GEIBTP (Good Enough Is Better Than Perfect) in many areas of life.  I don't like feeling unprepared, but when you surf the big wave and succeed, it's thrilling.

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 4:14 pm | Edit
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