I've said before that I love going to a church that has services every single day between Palm Sunday and Easter, and I love even more living close enough that there's little hindrance to attending them. Beyond ordinary busy-ness, that is, which we're supposed to be giving lower priority during the most momentous week of the Church Year. Writing this up so late, I'll no doubt miss something, but GEIBTP.
Palm Sunday I miss processing with whole palm branches instead of little leaves, but at least they were still cut from the yard instead of purchased. The best part was the music provided by our own little orchestra! It was great being led by trumpets: we stayed together much better than we usually do while trying to sing All Glory, Laud, and Honor spread out all around the church and the parking lot. The orchestra was amazing: these are middle schoolers, some of whom just started playing their instruments this year. Great music? No. Helpful? Very much so. Inspiring? Yes, yes, yes! And I was really impressed by their endurance. Other hymns, songs, and anthems:
Ride On! Ride On! In Majesty! (tune: The King's Majesty); A Simple Word of Grace; It Was Finished on the Cross (solo); At the Name of Jesus (tune: King's Weston); O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (tune: Passion Chorale). Plus an anthem, which I'm pretty sure was the beautiful To Love Our God (Mark Hayes, Hinshaw Music HMC1576).
Have I made it clear enough that our church likes to be active in worship, to sing, and to feast?
UPDATE 11/5/19 Aaaaargh! As I've pointed out innumerable times, when Flash in these posts was automatically converted to iframe, which needed to be done, between the first embedded video and the ending text all other videos (and associated text) were accidentally deleted. Normally this doen't matter much, but in a post like this, with a week's worth of information, it really hurts. Still, it will stay like this until I find time and priority to see if there's a way to recover the data.
Oh yes, clear enough! I'm jealous. So glad we get to sample it this summer!