... and that's the best I can do without looking. I should have ordered one of Joseph's shirts for myself.
Our strawberry-rhubarb pi(e) is in the oven. It won't be out by 9:26, at least not in our time zone, but maybe I'll come back and post a picture later.
UPDATE: And here it is.
In honor of the day I bought vanilla ice cream yesterday. Porter may scold me, as ice cream is his particular temptation, but pie and vanilla ice cream go so well together, and a day like this won't come back for another hundred years.
Penzey's Spices is offering free apple pie spice in honor of the day, and later we'll take advantage of that. Bill Penzey may sadden me with his efforts to alienate his customers through his political rants, but that doesn't change the fact that Penzey's is the best I've found when it comes to high-quality spices and interesting spice blends.
And for the true nerds out there (as opposed to those who have jumped on the Pi Day bandwagon merely as an excuse to celebrate and eat pie), here's a free lecture from another of our favorite companies, The Great Courses.
Happy Pi Day 2015 to everyone, nerd or otherwise!
Strawberry-rhubarb seems very fitting to me, since the person who introduced me to it had been a math major herself, as well as the mother of 2 math majors. (How many of her grandchildren were/are math majors? I don't know the majors of your nephews.)
Kathy, it's an interesting genealogical study. I'll show the answer in a further post. Like any genealogist, I'm trying to get a little more data before publishing....
Jon and the kids made a quiche and a pecan pie this morning.
How providential that date writing convention and national inclination coincide at just the right time in history... :-)