Based on what I've written before, you can probably guess that I'm fed up with people (and especially organizations) who think they have the right to ask me questions about my race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, and other personal information on the flimsiest of excuses. I haven't thought of any clever non-answers to most of the questions other than "Decline to Answer," an option that is not always given.

But I'm ready for race/ethnicity/ethnic background.

I've decided I'm Native American.

If you go back far enough, everyone has come to a given place from somewhere else. In my case, I have traced most of my ancestors back to when they first came to North America, and nearly all of their children were born here before the United States of America even existed—often more than a century before. Almost all of my family has been living on this continent for nearly 400 years, and the few "recent immigrants" for more than 200. In genealogical research, there's always room for surprises, but my roots here are very deep and very wide.

That's "native" enough for me.

It won't get me any tribal benefits, but at least it will make answering those pesky questions more interesting.

Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:43 am | Edit
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Wouldn't you know, the first such questionnaire I was asked to fill out subsequent to writing this did not include "Native American" as an option. "American Indian" was the equivalent choice, and I couldn't pick that one. On the other hand, if I had been born in Mumbai....

Posted by SursumCorda on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:54 am
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