As you know by now, you can see more update information on the Daley Ponderings blog.

They had a heavy day of testing and meetings in Boston today, and are staying overnight for another tomorrow. Also tomorrow, Faith comes to Boston for her own tests.

I know many of you pray "daily grace for Grace Daley," and we are so grateful. For those of you who like to be more specific with your praying (or just want to follow their journey), here's the schedule, if all goes as planned:

  • 1/10-1/11 testing in Boston
  • 1/19 CT scan at Dartmouth
  • 1/22 pre-transplant surgery requiring anesthesia
  • 1/30 admission to Boston, hard chemo begins
  • 2/8 transplant (Faith requires anesthesia, Grace gets Faith's bone marrow through her central line.)
  • Then, step-by-step, day-by-day recovery.
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6:28 pm | Edit
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