Heather wrote a long, catch-up post (with pictures) here. Here's my Cliff Notes version.

Because they are killing off Grace's bone marrow, she received a blood transfusion on Sunday. That's not unusual in her situation, but I note it because Porter and I gave blood only a few days earlier. Of course, it didn't go to Grace, but to someone in the Central Florida area—and we've been giving blood for a long time—but it does give a different perspective to contemplate the fact that other people's blood donations have saved our granddaughter's life.

You know Grace isn't feeling well when it affects her appetite. That's the chemo-induced nausea. She can tolerate food, but there's not much point in eating when your required oral meds cause you to throw it all up. Still, the doctors say she's doing very well.

Chemo 3 of 3 is done.  Today she rests (from chemo, not from her multitudinous other medications). Tomorrow is the BIG DAY for Grace, and for Faith.

Jon held the fort at the hospital yesterday while Heather took Nathaniel (who had been visiting) home, spent time with the other kids, and prepared to bring Faith to Boston today.

I'll let Heather have the last word.

Please pray that Grace will tolerate her oral medicine; that Faith’s surgery will be successful and without complications; that the chemo has done its job in eliminating Grace’s own bone marrow; that infections will stay away; that Faith’s marrow will grow strong in Grace’s body and be her cure!

Thank you all so very much for your prayers and support. It’s a hard journey, but we are so blessed.

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 8:34 am | Edit
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