All continuing to go well, Grace will return to her New Hampshire home on Monday! This is huge for her and for the whole family.

She will need to return to Boston once or twice each week for clinic visits. At some point, the Dartmouth hospital should be able to handle some of the appointments, but for now, they've decided it's worth the long drives to be able to have the family all together. After all, they've been driving almost that much going the other direction while living in Boston.

Grace has had less nausea, has gotten her formula intake down to 16 ounces per day, is eating more on her own, and is steadily gaining weight. Thanks be to God and all your prayers!

Please pray for:

  • Continued progress for Grace
  • A smooth transition back to being a family all together.
  • Wisdom for Heather, Jon, and the doctors as they figure out the best way to keep Grace healthy while reintegrating her into normal family life.
  • Strength for Heather as she handles the normally-exhausting late stages of pregnancy.
  • The birth and the baby. I'm rooting for a girl, and in my mind I've already named her "Hope"—but I have a less-than-stellar batting average when it comes to baby guesses.

Grace's next milestone will be the three-month mark (May 8), where if all things continue to go well, her transplant will be considered to be successful. It's only the next of many more steps, but it's an important one.

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 2:29 pm | Edit
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Very welcome news! I will pass prayer request along to our COTM prayer chain, as always.
Hugs to you and your whole family.


Posted by Dawn on Saturday, April 06, 2024 at 4:35 pm
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