Sometimes I find the channel Future Proof to be helpful, sometimes not. This video (14 minutes) is good because it delves into the complexities behind the new trend that it's better to sell drinks in aluminum cans than in plastic bottles. Because aluminum is far more recyclable than plastic. Right?

Yes ... but. Whether we're talking electric vehicles, energy sources, double-paned windows, or portable drinks, there's always a but. In life, there are no silver bullets, no easy answers. I like this analysis because it goes beyond the container and considers what goes into making and using it.

Actually, there is somewhat of a silver bullet in this case. He's talking primarily about bottled (or canned) water, and drinking tap water is absolutely the most planet-saving bang for the buck around.

Don't get me wrong. I was thrilled when they started selling bottled water, because I don't care for soda, and that's all that used to be served at events like group picnics and public events. In order to quench my thirst I had to bring my own water—and in those days nobody had today's ubiquitous refillable water bottles. The first time I saw bottles of water available at a picnic I jumped for joy.

I even use plastic water bottles at home. We absolutely drink tap water when we can, but we also keep bottles of water in the closet in case a hurricane (or anything else) threatens our water supply. I reuse bottles when I can: Put tap water into plastic bottles, freeze them solid, and voilà—pack them in your cooler to keep your food and drinks cold. The packaging is light and fits neatly in the cooler; as they thaw, they provide cold water for drinking; and when they reach the end of their useful lives, they can then be conveniently disposed of (hopefully recycled), with fewer guilt feelings. It's a win-win. Yes, I am concerned about whatever nasty things might be leaching out of the plastic, but you can't worry about everything all the time. And did you know that aluminum cans are lined with plastic? I didn't, until I watched this video.

Aluminum cans may be mostly recyclable, but you can't re-use them.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the rallying cry for legalizing abortion in America was that the procedure should be safe, legal, and rare. Since that slogan appears to have been abandoned, maybe we could pick it up for plastic water bottles.

Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 7:44 pm | Edit
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