Back in 2017, I contributed this meditation to a Lenten devotional put together by our church. Cleaning out my office recently, I recycled the devotional itself, but decided to recycle my meditation in a different way. It seems appropriate for Advent, too.
Romans 9:33: And the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.
These words occur several times in the Bible, in both the Old and the New Testaments. "Him" refers to the Messiah in the Old, identified with Jesus Christ in the New. In context and in combination, they portray Jesus as a rock that can be a secure foundation or a stumbling block. The characteristics that make rock a good base on which to build also make it painful and costly to ignore as we walk along.
"Never be put to shame" is also translated as, "not make haste, not be disturbed, not panic, not worry, not be disappointed." If Jesus is the foundation of our lives, there is no need to worry or make frantic efforts. Our responsibility is to do our work with calm confidence: God has our backs.
Great reading it again! Thanks!
Thanks for that, Peggy! We still miss you in choir, especially the altos.