It has been too long since I've posted an update on Grace for her friends and pray-ers; the fact that she's doing very well is no excuse. She is active and lively and very smart and such a joy! She does miss her brother Noah, who is now living with us while he continues his flight training here in Orlando, and she always lights up when she sees him on Skype.
One present concern is for a brain MRI coming up on February 12. The reason for this procedure is that Heather noticed a spot of some sort in Grace's right ear, which has consistently shown a slight hearing loss. Each time she was tested, the doctors blamed the diminished hearing on something that could cause congestion (e.g. a recent COVID infection), but it has been consistent and the doctors hope to rule out the possibility of this being another consequence of her NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1). They had been expecting to do a brain scan sometime in the future as a routine part of the NF1 care; the ear situation just hurried it along a bit.
Ill be praying about the MRI. I hope they sedate her thoroughly for that - being stuffed into a tube head-first is a scary business.