We've lived in Florida more than 20 years and haven't yet mastered the art of gardening in this climate.  After a year or two of being defeated by nematodes, giant grasshoppers, and the need for daily attention, we pretty much gave up, until inspired to try again by Heather and Jon, who managed to get a few good things to grow even at their zero-yard city apartment.

Our biggest (and nearly only) success from last year was a hot pepper plant.  As I wrote last year, it had been labeled as a sweet green pepper but was clearly not.  The first couple of peppers were quite mild, with just a little bite, but I think they were just testing the waters—subsequent fruits have been the fabulous "don't touch your eyes after chopping them up even if you've washed your hands three times" variety.  This is the only plant to have survived from last year, and it has been blooming and bearing continuously.  Here it is with its new companions, sweet basil (left) and Thai basil (right).  Thai basil is that wonderful anise-like herb served with Vietnamese pho, and often in summer rolls.


The radishes, lettuces, and carrots were just starting eight days ago; now they're filling the pot and ready for some thinning.  On the right is our parsley and stevia, along with a left-over Christmas poinsettia and some aloe and coleus plants.


Last year's tomatoes never did very well; these heirloom plants look much more promising.

Posted by sursumcorda on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 7:25 pm | Edit
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Yum! I hope to try some this summer!

Posted by IrishOboe on Monday, June 09, 2008 at 4:50 am
First Fruits
Excerpt: We've been nibbling on the basel, parsley, and Thai basil from our garden, and the hot pepper plant has been producing prolifically and steadily for a year now, but this week saw the first harvest from our radish, lettuce, and stevia plants.  The ...
Weblog: Lift Up Your Hearts!
Date: June 16, 2008, 8:34 am
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