Porter had to get up early this morning for a 7:00 dentist appointment, but that didn't stop him from staying up late last night.  Now his beloved Boston Red Sox have won the World Series twice in his lifetime, which until now few living Red Sox fans could say.  He's been too busy to watch all the games, but he enjoyed a few, especially last night's.

Congratulations to the Red Sox, and to those of our New England relatives who are enjoying this victory!  Condolences to S, the Yankee fan.  (No, not that S -- the other S.  I know the one S is a dedicated Red Sox fan!)  I hope T&B are happy -- I've forgotten where their loyalties lie.
Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, October 29, 2007 at 10:58 am | Edit
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Yes, I am very tired today. Several late nights in a row have done me in. All worth it though!
Tommy still puts the Phillies first, but is also a Red Sox fan. Billy is a Sox fan, but his individual loyalties have changed. I think Varitek had been his favorite especially because of his Uncle's connection, but now he likes Beckett and then Ortiz. Then Varitek.
We let the boys stay up until nearly 10pm on Saturday night to watch the game. Last night only until a little after nine. It is unfortunate that they put the games on so late. They really only get to watch the first inning. Tommy gets up early to go outside and get the paper so he can read the sports section and then waits for Dave or me to get up and turn on the computer so he can relive the game on ESPN.
New England fans still have excitement coming their way this weekend as the Patriots face the Colts. I like Tony Dungy, but still have to root for the Pats. Don't try calling us after 4pm on Sunday!

Posted by dstb on Monday, October 29, 2007 at 2:36 pm
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