Easter Sunday is the most wonderful day of the year! Acknowledgement of this in the "everyday world," however, is so rare that it lifts my spirits to see a few comic strips still honoring the day. (As if my spirits should need lifting on such an occasion!). A few of the comics I surveyed, such as The Wizard of Id, were set in a church without making mention of the reason the characters might be there. Some showed egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. Most made no mention of the day at all. A very few hinted at why this day is different from all other days, including B.C., The Family Circus (I'm sorry I couldn't find a link to the actual comic), and my favorite, Fox Trot:

Posted by
sursumcorda on
Sunday, March 27, 2005 at
6:36 am
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Read 3481 times
Everyday Life:
Just for Fun:
The Easter Sunday funnies have already been thrown out. I wanted to look again at the comic strip B.C. that appeared in The South China Morning Post. The old cave man was sitting under a tree writing about Jesus. There was no hedging or apologizing for his beliefs. It wasn't hinting, it was blatant sermonizing, but just right. Might it have been different from the version you saw? Maybe the message had to be toned down for American audiences. I realized later a bit of perhaps unintentional humor: B.C. stands for Before Christ.
Here's a link to B.C. for Easter Sunday. I think the message runs a clever line between the zealots and the skeptics, without losing either group.
You're quite right. B.C. Doesn't hint nor hedge. As I recall, it's also the only comic that acknowledged Palm Sunday and Good Friday. You should be able to access the version I saw by clicking on the B.C. link. (P.S. Thanks for contributing!)
You're a step ahead of me again, Richard. I see that the versions are the same.