Not long ago, a friend was lamenting to me about how tedious elementary recitals are. Little piano and violin students plunking and scraping away on the same, boring pieces, making the same mistakes you've heard hundreds of times. I couldn't disagree more.
She has a different perspective, mind you: she's a music teacher, so no doubt that makes a difference.But I love music recitals, elementary and otherwise.
Today we made up for our disappointment with the Tuileries by visiting Leu Gardens. It was delightful to wander amongst the palms, bromiliads, wildflowers, camelias, cacti, roses, and other Florida and non-Florida flora. Especially the gardenias, which take me right back to my grandmother's garden.
Standing by the lake, watching the fish, a turtle, and a white heron—while watching out for alligators and water moccasins—we heard music. Violin music. Suzuki violin music. Talk about natsukashii! We had to the main house there was a luncheon, for which a single violinist was providing entertainment, and she was working her way around the Suzuki repertoire—books three and four, if I had to guess; it's been a while.
Our first live Suzuki contact was made at Leu Gardens; we happened to be there when a group from the Suzuki Music Institute of Maitland was playing on the grounds. For me, it was love at first sight (sound). That great music coming from those tiny kids!
Well, that was the beginning for us of more than ten years of Suzuki music. There were plenty of frustrating times, but one thing I never tired of was hearing the kids play. I loved to hear our own children practice, I loved to hear all the students—not just ours—play at the recitals. True, I no longer attend them, now that we've moved on, but truly, I wish the music we heard today had been a public group concert, so I could have heard once again the tiny kids and the old, familiar pieces. Even Twinkle!Permalink | Read 3532 times
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Excerpt: Tropical Storm Barry brought us a night's worth of good, soaking rain, our first significant rain in many months and much needed. The forecast was for rain all Saturday, too, but the radar looked reasonably clear in the morning so we paid ano...
Weblog: Lift Up Your Hearts!
Date: June 4, 2007, 8:54 am
Excerpt: Having written recently about my love of student recitals, I have to mention that we went to a Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra concert yesterday. In my limited, and admittedly biased opinion, they are far and away the best student orchestra in t...
Weblog: Lift Up Your Hearts!
Date: May 7, 2007, 11:11 am