Eric Schultz has done it again.  Never would I have thought a business writer could be so interesting.  Perhaps it's because he's also a genealogist.  :)  Yesterday's post, Leadership in the White Space, is about business, but along the way touches on astrophysics and music, with this idea for a mystery novel:

The other day on XM Radio I was listening to Bob Edwards interview one of XM’s Classical Music hosts. (Sorry to not catch his name.) The two were discussing the life and enormous impact of Leonard Bernstein. Edwards asked a really good question, as he often does: If every member of the New York Philharmonic is a virtuoso musician able to read, interpret and play virtually any piece of music ever written for their instrument, what exactly does the conductor do?

The XM Classical host answered, and I’m paraphrasing slightly, “There’s a lot that goes on between the notes.”

That could be the title of a classical murder-mystery novel, no? Between the Notes: Mozart, murder, oboes, sex, more oboes, intrigue and a French horn. Yowza. The hardboiled detective would look at the voluptuous flautist and say, “You may be able to hit the high E-sharp, but you have to know there’s a lot that goes on between the notes.”

[Skipping the actual business-related meat of the post]

As for that murder-mystery novel I was proposing, the one with the sex and oboes, the one entitled Between the Notes?

Question the percussionist.

Any good detective will tell you to never trust a guy who hits things for a living.

Check out the entire post, not only for content, but to see the Oboe Babe graphic I did not include here.

Posted by sursumcorda on Friday, December 5, 2008 at 8:27 am | Edit
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