Temperatures in the mid-90's do not surprise me in July:  I live in Florida.  I'll confess I was hoping for something more reasonable in Switzerland, however.  Somehow calling the temperatures "mid-30's" doesn't improve the situation as much as I would hope.  I miss air conditioning; I miss ceiling fans.  Even when we lived without air conditioning in Boston I could find relief at the grocery store.  Not so, here.

But there are compensations.  The apartment is wonderfully designed for cross-ventilation, and the lack of screens means we make the most of every breeze. We have two fans, and the temperatures cool off enough at night to make sleeping reasonable.  Still, there's not much incentive to be very ambitious, and Janet is really wishing she could take advantage of her membership in the pool that's only a five-minute walk away.

How about you?  I gather it's been hot for a lot of folks.

Baby update:  Doing fine, eating lots, filling out, doesn't like the heat but still likes to be held.  Has perfected the knack of filling a clean diaper within 15 seconds of the change.

Posted by sursumcorda on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 1:22 pm | Edit
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Finger Lakes and Niagara Falls weren't any cooler than home. Didn't do as much hiking as I had hoped - way too hot and humid.

Finally rained here today, In the 70s but going to 90 again tomorrow.

Boys had hot weather in Germany but could find some relief in department stores. Found cool weather in the Alps last week and are heading to Vienna this week. Looks like it will be hot there.

Posted by NMKBNMKB on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 5:33 pm

It was hot in Maine at the beginning of the week, but worse at home. I guess it was 102 degrees on Tuesday.

Maine was great, but without electricity you can not escape the heat except by swimming. That's okay during the day.

Cooled off a bit by the end of the week, but felt muggy today. There was no rain at all during the week, but torrential downpours on our way home today.

Posted by dstb on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 6:13 pm

I miss our pool as well. On the other hand, ice cream hasn't tasted this welcome since DQ after a certain Indian Princess canoe trip.

Posted by SursumCorda on Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 10:33 am
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