Every day, after the noon meal, we follow the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer "Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families" noontime liturgy.  Joseph loves the time and is an active participant, as they use hand motions for many of the prayers.  (Some, at least, are a legacy of Janet's American Sign Language minor.)  For example, at "Give praise, you servants of the LORD" we raise our hands high in the air; at "in quietness and trust shall be our strength" we flex our biceps.

Then comes time for the reading, and Joseph jumps up to get the Bible for Daddy.  After that we pray. Before Vivienne was born, Joseph would put his hand on Janet's belly to "pray for the baby."  Now he puts his hand out, says "baby" and looks a little confused.  :)  After the Collect, he will often join in with a hearty, "Amen!"

That's it:  short but sweet and powerful.  It's especially delightful to watch Joseph's enthusiasm for "praise the Lord time."

Posted by sursumcorda on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 8:05 am | Edit
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Now that I am up to speed on the birth...CONGRATULATIONS to each of you and all of you corporately as well!
Blessings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ on this newly birthed precious lamb of God!
Hugs and love to you all!!!

PS and totally NOT on subject...Tony is going to minister with a Native American evangelist at the border with Mexico on Saturday. Please keep him in your prayers.

Posted by Pami Gregorio on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 5:57 pm
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