Still famous after all these years. Check out the news about the light a copy sheds on da Vinci's masterpiece. (Just a quick post for those interested in art. Those interested in Joseph & Vivienne updates will have to wait, sorry.) (Thanks, Aunt Karen.)
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Way to make everyone mad, Susan G. Koman folks. Either make a decision, or don't. If you're thinking about an action as inflammatory as appearing to attack an American idol like Planned Parenthood, be sure you have the guts to stick it out—or don't even start.
Frankly, it never occurred to me that you would be taking money donated to help find a cure for breast cancer and giving it to such a controversial organization. Now I know that for me to support Susan G. Koman for the Cure makes about as much sense as for a PETA member to invest in Big Meat.
Joseph has two different words for "spin." One, pronounced "pin," refers to when he, himself, is spinning. The other I haven't yet figured out how to transcribe, but it has two syllables and refers to spinning an object, like a top, a ball, a block, a coin. Whether it's supposed to be one word, or a two-word command, the meaning is clear when he hands you an object: "Spin it!" You'd be surprised at how many items that are not tops can be made to spin.
"Pin," on the other hand, can refer to being spun in someone's arms, or twirling himself around till he staggers with dizziness, or being spun on Mommy's office chair. When he does the last sitting backwards and holding on to the seat back, it can be very fast, and produces an impressive postrotatory nystagmus.
He also likes this, sitting in his space capsule (backpack) and training for NASA. The position makes up for the reduced rotational velocity. At the end he is saying and signing, "more."
This was the first video, taken nearly two weeks ago to let Dad-o know that Joseph is thinking about him even though he isn't here with us.
We love you, Dad-o!