Lenore Skenazy has a new site (relatively new—I've fallen a bit behind) called Let Grow. I haven't explored much yet, but the Let Grow Resolution deserves all the publicity it can get, so I'm (uncharacteristically) lifting it in its entirety here.

The “Let Grow” Resolution:

 Our children have the right to some unsupervised time, and we have the right to give it to them without getting arrested.

Statement of findings

  1. It is good, healthy and normal for kids to walk and play outside, and run some errands on their own.
  2. Violent crime is at a 50 year low.
  3. It is not low because we are keeping kids inside. All crime — even against adults — is lower now, and we are not keeping adults inside.
  4. The risk of child abduction by strangers is very low.
  5. Being in a car accident as a passenger is the leading cause of death among children, not stranger danger.
  6. Lack of exercise is a contributing factor to short term and long term health risks for children.
  7. It is in the public interest for children to walk and cycle to their day-to-day destinations, and to play outside on their own.
  8. When kids do that, they learn social skills, problem-solving, creativity and compromise — the skills they will need in college and beyond that they do not get in adult-run activities.
  9. Because we can’t always prepare the path for our children, we must prepare our children for the path, by giving them freedom and responsibility, so they gradually learn to be independent, resourceful and resilient.

Right of Children to Freedom of Movement

  1. Therefore, this legislature decrees that it supports letting children walk, cycle, take public transportation and/or play outside by themselves, with the permission of a parent or guardian.
  2. Allowing children to exercise these rights shall not be grounds for charges against their parents or guardians unless something else is found to be amiss.

Questions, comments? Contact Lenore Skenazy at Lenore@LetGrow.org .

Posted by sursumcorda on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 1:52 pm | Edit
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