On Monday, Heather told me that Grace was acting much more like herself, and in yesterday's update, Jon proclaimed, "Grace had a great day today." We can't say enough how much we appreciate (and depend on) all your prayers and good wishes.

Tangible prayers!

People have been so generous with time, effort, and gifts. The kids are eating very well back home, with people bringing meals nearly every day of the week, and generous DoorDash gift cards are enabling Heather and Jon to enjoy some of Boston's wonderful restaurants—time, not money, is their biggest constraint.

  • Grace's white cell counts are on the rise: 0, 30, 60, 115..., which means Faith's cells are becoming her own and getting down to work.
  • Formerly open sores are visibly healing.
  • She is still sleeping a lot, but less than the previous 12-16 hours a day.
  • She's now enjoying the playroom again, and going for walks up and down the hall.
  • She still relies on her central line and her NG tube for nutrition, but keeps trying to eat. Apparently her taste buds are weirded out, because she tends to take a bite then spit the food out again. This is considered normal.
Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 3:10 pm | Edit
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