This where-are-they-now? post is particularly for our children, and any others who played in the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra with John Dupuis. John made a big splash in those days with his composing, including writing a piece that was recorded by the Seattle Symphony Orchestra and used at the Islands of Adventure theme park opening in Orlando. This was exciting for all of us, and I wish I could feature his Atlantis here, as it remains one of my favorite pieces of music. With a beginning like that, I fully expected to start seeing John's name on movie credits, as the music he composed back then had a distinct movie soundtrack feel to them.

But most of us grow up and get regular jobs. John certainly has done well, even if working in the school system is not as exciting as working in Hollywood. And he continues to compose. Recently he alerted me to one of his new works, called "Melodia Perpetua." Written for string orchestra students, it doesn't have the complexity of the works he wrote for the FSYO, but you can still hear the distinctive Dupuis sound, which was a joy to hear and brought back such good memories.

I actually wouldn't wish a Hollywood life on anyone. But I was told by another composer that the advantage of writing for shows is that you don't actually have to be there; composers were working remotely long before it became de rigueur. So I'll keep hoping you're secretly working on that movie music dream, John! I'd even go see the film, and I almost never do such a thing....

Posted by sursumcorda on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 5:05 am | Edit
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