Are you nervous about what might happen on and after Election Day? Do you fear the coming year? Do you awaken in the middle of the night from nightmares in which you find yourself surrounded by bonfires and people chanting, "Remember, remember the Fifth of November"?

Have I got a deal for you.


Actually, it's Amazon that has the deal. C. S. Lewis's George MacDonald: An Anthology is currently on sale for $1.99.

It's impossible to overstate the influence MacDonald had on Lewis, and this collection of 365 excerpts from his writings is a great introduction.

I HIGHLY recommend it, whatever your political leanings.  (For more on George MacDonald, see my post "All Is Gift - A Legacy from C. S. Lewis.")

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 6:10 am | Edit
Permalink | Read 340 times
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