Regular readers of Lift Up Your Hearts! know I'm a fan of Lenore Skenazy's Free-Range Kids blog, though I blush to admit I haven't (yet) read her book of the same name. I've written quite a few comments there, and a recent letter I sent evolved into a guest post, which you can find here: A List that Sums Things Up Nicely.
To anyone who may have wandered over from the link at FRK, welcome! Things are pretty random here, as this is where I post, for family and friends, whatever happens to be on my mind. That way they don't have to hear me talk about it quite so much. Okay, so it's really just a small portion of what is buzzing around in my brain; fortunately, life imposes time limitations.
In the upper right hand corner you'll find links to what it's all about here, and various disclaimers and disclosures. Thanks for visiting!