I haven't actually put this sign on our front door—yet. At the best of times I don't like solicitors coming to our house, and this is not the best of times for strangers to come breathe on us and touch our doorknobs. Not to mention the risk to themselves, going door to door.  Yet still they come.

Posted by sursumcorda on Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 8:17 am | Edit
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People actually came to your door during the pandemic?? Wow, I'm shocked. Are people just not taking it seriously down there?

Posted by Peter V on Wednesday, April 08, 2020 at 12:55 pm

Clearly not everybody. It's mixed. Strangers who come to your door aren't known for their courtesy in the first place. In my limited experience, people are respectful of distance when shopping or otherwise out, though Porter takes his bike ride early in the morning because the trail has become so crowded. All those people home instead of in their schools and offices! When I went to the post office on April 1 about half the people were wearing masks; more are now due to the CDC recommendation change. Many people wear gloves, though not all have figured out that if you touch someone with your gloves, then touch someone else with your gloves, you protect yourself but still put others at risk. Others take advantage of store delivery services -- so many that when I tried to order something from the grocery store, the first available slot was three days away. Others (like me) are skeptical of the value of all this, but comply anyway. Then there are the idiots who are still partying, which is why our county had to close the boat ramps, even though a family boating along the river does no one any harm. Same reason for closing beaches -- they ought to be open for locals to enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and exercise, but there will be spring breakers who think they're immortal and for whom keeping apart ruins the experience....

Posted by SursumCorda on Wednesday, April 08, 2020 at 1:29 pm
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