Last year, my Christmas Eve post included the following comment. It seems appropriate to offer a reprise today.
Nine Christmases ago, while the world was singing blithely of joyous birth, we were mourning the death of our first grandchild, whose last breath came but two days after his first. The haunting Coventry Carol spoke to me then as none other. This reminder that the First Christmas was not a facile Peace on Earth and Joy to the World, and that the first Christian martyrs were Jewish children, is for all who mourn this Christmas, especially those who have suffered the loss of a child.
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Category Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
I've set my alarm to remind me to pay attention at 12:12:12 today; otherwise it's sure to slide past unnoticed. I'm sure if I'd check Facebook someone would remind me, but....
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Category Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Porter says this BBC story is a good summary of what he saw when visiting the Boeing plant on his visit to Seattle. Enjoy! Pretty WOW, I think.
Sorry about the extraneous "-->". It's in the BBC's code, and I'm not taking the time to mess with it. Sorry, too, about the ad at the beginning; that also is theirs If you happen to get the Air New Zealand one, though, it's pretty cool itself.
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While I'm gathering mental energy for a response to Stephan's thought-provoking comment below, here's an easy post for your holiday enjoyment. You don't have to know much music theory to enjoy it, but some basic knowledge helps. (H/T Ruth from the WWMB!)
That does it; I'm inspired: Joseph's next PowerPoint collection will include intervals.
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Category Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
The Holiday Season.
It's a descriptive name, covering an increasingly wide expanse of holidays that began simply as Christmas and now includes all possible holidays of any faith (religious or secular) from Hallowe'en to New Year's Day—as long as they can be contorted to include a ritual of spending lots of money.
But it's an awkward moniker, and offensive to Christians, who are understandably miffed at having the Christmas (literally, "Christ's mass") season (technically, December 25 - January 5, unless you're Orthodox) steamrollered by beliefs, attitudes, and practices that are decidedly un-Christian in nature. Thus the season of "peace on earth, goodwill towards men" and "tidings of comfort and joy"—taken completely out of context, of course—is also beset with the annual (and impossible) admonition to "keep Christ in (secular) Christmas," along with fighting over whether "Happy Holidays" is an acceptable greeting, and where and how Nativity scenes may be displayed.
Therefore I'm going to put forth a modest proposal:
- That Christians should freely accept that we are strangers in a strange land, and following God's instructions to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, "seek the peace and prosperity" of our country without expecting lip service to our faith from those who don't even remember, let alone follow it. If I choose not to patronize an institution, it will be for a better reason than that an over-worked sales clerk wished me "Happy Holidays."
- That the secular world should freely acknowledge that Christmas belongs to Christians, and choose a name for the Holiday Season that more accurately reflects the meaning, purpose, and deity of this time of year in a decidedly secular and materialistic society.* Acknowledging both the Ancient Roman holiday of mid-to-late December, the name of which is now synonymous with excess, self-indulgence, and licentiousness, and the patron-demon of hyper-consumption, I propose that this new American holidy be called,
I know better than to think that I'm the first to coin this word, but a Google search pulls up surprisingly few references, so I can safely say, you read it here first.
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
For Heather, Janet, and all who are great mothers but sometimes feel intimidated by how far they are from meeting their own standards. Today's Family Circus says it all.
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Just for fun, check out these video clips from the Duggar family's visit to Japan. These are from YouTube, so hopefully they won't be blocked for the only two regular readers who are likely to understand them. Perhapse Joseph might catch some numbers. :) It would be great katakana/hiragana practice if things didn't move so fast. Nonetheless, they're fun to watch even if you don't understand Japanese.
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And newspapers wonder why subscription rates are down! The news is bad enough without adding insult to injury.
The Orlando Sentinel had the nerve to run Grandpa, Meet Facebook, an article by Tribune author Jenniffer Weigel. (The link is not to the Sentinel because they've adopted the annoying habit of charging for online story access.)
The author begins by telling us that it's "scary" that her mother wants to learn to use Facebook. Then she quotes Mary Madden, from the Pew Internet Center.
"This is a pretty unique moment in time where grandkids and grandparents can be interacting at the same time, and more seniors are getting a taste of this and seeing the benefits," Madden said.
Whatever this generation may be good at, it's not history. For most of human time grandkids and grandparents have been interacting just fine; it's recent times that have separated them.
Here's another insult:
But the learning curve for the older crowd to master a site like Facebook can be steep, according to Abby Stokes, author of the book "Is This Thing On? A Computer Handbook for Late Bloomers, Technophobes and the Kicking & Screaming" (Workman).
"I refer to anybody over the age of 40 as a digital immigrant," Stokes said. "You can learn anything but you learn it at a slower pace."
Excuse me? We were busy inventing the Digital Age before you were born, you young whippersnapper! It's not technology that keeps me from mastering smart phones and iPad-equivalents. It's money, plain and simple. We were brought up to be more careful with our money than to pour it into the latest electronic gadgets.* Give me one of those devices (and a subscription, which is the worst of the cost) and I'll gladly take on the supposed challenge.
*I don't suppose I should try to get away with that statement, given that I've already confessed to spending $1500 on an intelligent terminal, then about a third of that to fix it when it broke, and then $800 on a dot-matrix printer. And this was back in the 70's, when that was a lot more money than it is now. Still, money is the biggest reason (along with a dislike of Apple) I don't go for the newer devices; it's not for lack of desire bordering on covetousness.
I don't read a lot of post-election analysis any more than I paid attention to most of the pre-election rhetoric. But every once in a while a gem comes my way, and when that happens I want to share it.
Today's hopeful commentary comes from a Canadian professor, John Stackhouse. The whole post is short, but here's the heart of it.
[I]n his article “Why I Am Not a Pacifist” (collected in “The Weight of Glory” and Other Essays), [C. S.] Lewis says some hopeful words about pretty large matters to encourage us in the wake of the American election, with its global implications, and in anticipation of…well, the rest of today, and every day following:
I think the best results are obtained by people who work quietly away at limited objectives, such as the abolition of the slave trade, or prison reform, or factory acts, or tuberculosis [Lewis is not thinking small, here!], not by those who think they can achieve universal justice, or health, or peace. I think the art of life consists in tackling each immediate evil as well as we can. To avert or postpone one particular war by wise policy, or to render one particular campaign shorter by strength and skill or less terrible by mercy to the conquered and the civilians is more useful than all the proposals for universal peace that have ever been made; just as the dentist who can stop one toothache has deserved better of humanity than all the men who think they have some scheme for producing a perfectly healthy race.
I have had a dentist stop a particularly violent toothache: an abscess that kept me up all night in quite acute pain. He is now a Friend for Life. He has not eradicated toothache; he can’t even prevent the next one from happening to me, despite his best efforts (and those of his relentlessly cheerful and insistent dental hygienist). But he did his job when I needed him to do it, and while Humanity was not benefited, I in particular surely was. And that certainly means a lot to me.
So: most of us can’t work wholesale, but retail. And even those who do work wholesale are wise to take Lewis’s words to heart, as the rest of us ought to, also. Work away at “what your hand finds to do” in the providence of God, and you’ll make an actual difference.
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Category Random Musings: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
I didn't stay up till after 11 to hear the story, but I caught the teaser on the local evening news:
Children are getting hurt because their parents are texting at the playground instead of keeping their eyes on the kids.
At the playground.
Told in a shocked voice calculated to make you think of texting while a child swings as the latest form of heinous child endangerment.
I'm no fan of constant texting, but I doubt it's more distracting than what I did at the playground when our kids were young (preschool and early elementary age). We'd walk together to the playground, they'd run off to explore all the cool equipment—including a merry-go-round and a tall, twisty slide, now gone for safety (read, "lawsuit") reasons—and I'd settle down on a bench with a book. Trust me, the kids were a lot safer with my eyes glued to the page than with me watching. You see, they were (and still are) the more adventuresome type. Merely using the swings for their intended purpose was much too dull: they preferred to shinny up the support posts, sit on the top bar and inch their way across, then slide down the support posts on the other side. If a piece of equipment had a top, or an outside, or some other place not part of the designer's plan for children to be—that's where they were sure to climb.
They were (and are) good kids; if I'd asked them not to go there, they would have complied. But I figured, why not let them explore? Who says playground equipment must be used in only one way? (Who says we must color between the lines, and all our trees be green and our skies blue?) How do you learn physical competence except by stretching your boundaries?
The purpose of the book was to distract me. Of course I took peeks at the kids now and then—mostly to revel in their competence and delight—but the book helped me to keep my fears in check and not communicate them to the happy explorers. That was very important: I knew even then that children are actually safer when adults aren't watching too closely. On their own they are very intelligent when it comes to knowing which risks they can handle and which they can't. (In the presence of other children, not so much, but that's more a reason to know your children's friends than to keep them in sight at all times.)
"Don't do that; it's not safe!" "Watch out, you're going to fall!" "Get down from there before you break your neck!" Such talk makes some kids so fearful they lose their grips and their common sense, and actually do fall. Other kids feel the need to prove their "manhood"—girls, too—and are driven to take foolish risks to show off. Moreover, children who are accustomed to a tight leash can fail to develop a normal sense of risk: "If I were doing anything dangerous, Mom would be yelling at me, so I'll just go on until she makes me stop."
We made it through our playground days with no broken bones. Bruises, yes. Scrapes, certainly. How do you know you've had fun if you come out of an adventure with no battle scars?
But back to the news story. While one of the anchors was building up the story with full drama and horror, another interjected, "But when we were young, our parents didn't watch our every move, and we survived." I was encouraged that she had the wisdom and the courage to say so.
How did the world get so crazy when I wasn't looking?
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This year's Vetrans Day tribute is to all the U.S. (and pre-U.S.) veterans among our direct ancestors.
Pequot War, 1634-1638: Thomas Barnes, Jonathan Brewster, Thomas Bull
King Philip's War, 1675-1678: John Curtiss, Isaac Davis, Isaac Johnson
Queen Anne's War (part of the War of the Spanish Succession), 1702-1713: Giles Doud
French and Indian War (part of the Seven Years' War), 1754-1763: Samuel Chapman, Moses Whitney
Revolutionary War, 1775-1983: Jonathan Burr, Erastus Chapman, Agur Curtiss, Nathaniel Fox, Nehemiah Gillett, Christopher Johnson, Stephen Kelsey, Seth Langdon, James Pennington, Oliver Scott, Joseph Scovil, Henry Shepard, Elihu Tinker, Benjamin Welles, Moses Whitney
Civil War, 1861-1865: Phillip Barb, Anson Bradbury, Robert Bristol, David Rice, Nathan Smith
World War I, 1914-1918: Howard Langdon, George Smith
World War II, 1939-1945: Alice Porter (Wightman), Bill Wightman
(If you notice a significant lack of any veterans from the Korean conflict to the present, you might guess my age if you didn't already know it.)
I'm sure there were more whose names I don't know. There must be someone from the War of 1812, but I haven't found him yet. I'm sure they weren't all always completely honorable, because they were ordinary people. They didn't even always fight on the same side. But one thing, for certain, they all had in common: They gave their bodies, their lives, their health, and their futures to stand "between their loved home and the war's desolation." For that I thank and honor them, and those who still make that sacrifice today.
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No, it's not serious, and it's not an invitation for some wild-eyed idiot to try to change the election results by violent means. Reggie Jackson wants us to stop fighting and start working together for the good of the country.
Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson was elated with the re-election of President Obama on Tuesday, but if he had his way, Mitt Romney would be part of the administration, too.
"Just because President Obama is back in power is not as important as all of us pulling together, ''Jackson told USA TODAY Sports. "The best would be for Obama to be president and Romney to be vice-president. We need everyone to come together.
"I get so disappointed when I hear all of the negativity from Republicans against the Democrats and Democrats against Republicans. We need to come together as a nation. Black. White. Hispanics. Jewish. Native Americans.
"We need to have the resolve to work together. It's like when the Yankees have a great team, it helps baseball. When the Knicks and Lakers are great teams, it helps basketball. If the Republicans and Democrats can get together, it will make our country a strong, better place, for everyone.''
Amen and amen.
(Except maybe the part about the Yankees....)
On this day in 1989 the gates opened, and the German people themselves answered President Reagan's famous call.
Porter, who more than two decades before had crossed over to East Berlin (and back) at the terrifying Checkpoint Charlie, understands best the wonder and glory of the day, but our kids each have a souvenir piece of the Wall, thanks to friends who were living in Germany at the time.
Thanks be to God.
No one I know wrote this letter, but it was posted on Facebook by a friend I respect, who called it thought-provoking. I agree. I'd never heard of Steve Elliott, nor his Grassfire Nation organization, and a quick glance tells me he's a little too far to the political right for my comfort. But no matter. He's written a very wise letter, one that people of all political persuasions would do well to consider when events don't go their way. The whole letter is worth reading, but here's the heart of it. (Elliott openly invites sharing via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, so I'm hoping he won't mind my extensive quotations.)
I'm writing to you to explain why, even after a late and discouraging evening that stretched past 1:00 a.m. on the East Coast, I was back at the office before 8:00 a.m. this morning.
And why the sinking feeling I felt last night has already been replaced with a deep determination.
And why I'm going out to buy equipment for our new office this afternoon.
And why we are going to build, build, build -- despite a stunning and, for me, unexpected defeat.
I want to share with you a letter that, although 2,500 years old, it could have been written this morning. For us. For faithful patriots who feel like they just discovered they will have to live at least the next four years in exile.
This letter was written to Jewish exiles who had been pushed out of Jerusalem and forced to live under a tyrannical ruler named Nebuchadnezzar.
The exiles wanted one thing: they wanted to be re-established back in Israel. They even had a prophet named Hananiah come to them and tell them that their time of exile would only last two years.
You can read about it in Jeremiah 28.
Hananiah was a false prophet. He died.
And so Jeremiah wrote a letter to the exiles. You've probably heard a part of that letter recited many times. It's one of the most commonly quoted passages in the entire Bible. Unfortunately, this passage is mostly taken out of its proper context and delivered as a "feel good" word that everything is going to be O.K.
One of my friends was quoting this verse yesterday morning:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Those words sound so good. The future is bright. God has a plan for prosperity, for a real hope and a real future. On the eve of the election, it must have meant a Romney win, the GOP takes the Senate and we start the rollback of the Obama regime, right?
Not exactly.
Here's the shocking context of Jeremiah 29 (and I offer to you, the context for November 6, 2012): the plan was exile.
That was the "plan" Jeremiah's letter was talking about. I encourage you to go read all of Jeremiah 29. Here is the immediate context:
This is what the Lord says: "When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you ..."
The plan was 70 years of exile. Keep that in mind the next time someone quotes Jeremiah 29:11 to encourage you that your time of trouble will soon end. Not only was the exile going to last 70 years, the exile WAS the plan!
If you don't believe me, go back and read the beginning of the letter, from Jeremiah 29:4. Here you'll see the Lord (through Jeremiah) giving the Jewish exiles specific instructions on how to conduct themselves in exile:
--Build houses and settle down.
--Plan gardens and eat what they produce.
--Marry and have sons and daughters.
--Marry off your sons and daughters so they can have children.
--Increase in number; do not decrease.
Again, remember the context. A false prophet had just come and said the time of exile would only last two years. That prophet died. The truth is, the people will be in exile for 70 years. And the directive is to build families, grow businesses, think trans-generationally and increase.
It gets better. Because Jeremiah's letter makes it clear that building and marrying is not enough. People in exile must do something else -- they must be a blessing to the land.
"Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."
So let's review. First, the plan is exile. Second, build. Third, bless. Simple, clear instructions.
But why was this important? Why a "plan" for exile with specific instructions on how to act in exile?
Historians tell us it was during the Babylonian captivity that the Israelites moved from a Temple/Jerusalem focused society to a synagogue and community focused society. Simply put ...
It was the lessons learned during their time in exile which enabled the Jews to survive 2,500 years in exile. But not just survive -- but to thrive and become the most prosperous, most successful and most innovative people group in the history of civilization.
Exile was the plan.
So that's why, today, I'm going to build. And I'm going to plant. I'm going to bless. And I'm going to pray.
For that is the final piece to the puzzle ...
"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
So let's get building. Let's get planting. And let's get praying. And let's bless this land. There are lessons to be learned in exile.
Actually, it was a private letter, from Porter to the President. But I liked it so much I begged permission to post it.
Mr. President,
Congratulations on your re-election. I believe you now have 80 days to establish your legacy. Just as it took a “conservative” Nixon to open the door to Red China and a “liberal” Democrat—Clinton—to establish welfare reform and NAFTA so, I believe, it will take the “champion of the 47%” to effectively reform (which is to say cut) Social Security and Medicare.
This coming lame duck session is your best hope to get this started. With Joe Lieberman and others retiring they have a chance to do what is right for the country as opposed to what will get them elected in the next cycle. I believe these next 80 days will establish your legacy—as the President who courageously faced the “fiscal cliff” with meaningful reform—or as the President who muddled along relying on QE3, 4, 5 ad infinitum to inflate away the national debt and the national greatness. Please take on the challenge.
Respectfully yours,
It can happen. If President Obama has the will, the strength, and the courage he can lead his party to make the difficult but necessary choices that they would never have agreed to under a Republican president. The Republicans will do well to support and encourage him in this, verbally and by making their own painful compromises. The object is not to "win," not to score points, it's not even to get (re)-elected. The object is to climb out of this economic pit and leave for our children an economy that is strong, sane, stable, and just. The blame for this pit is well spread among Democrat and Republican; rich and poor; financial institution, big business, and average American. The sooner we admit that, the sooner we can make progress. If there is a fair solution to be found, it will succeed only insofar as it inspires everyone to participate—and yes, to sacrifice—beginning with those who by running for office made the choice to assume the responsibilities of leadership.
The American Dream was never about getting rich, nor about security, but about a country where hard work and thrift were rewarded by opportunity, and about parents whose goal was not their own comfort but the well-being of their children and grandchildren.
Dare to dream, Mr. President. Dare to be a leader!