As part of my 95 by 65 program, I set the goal of walking the equivalent of from here to the home of our grandchildren in New Hampshire. This I completed in December of last year. At that point, I was so much in the habit of keeping track of my steps that I naturally chose a related goal for the continuation: walking to the home of our other grandchildren. This was a lot longer, and a little trickier, since they live in Switzerland. But since I was using the "crow flies" distance for my calculations anyway, I freely ignored the problem of walking on water across the Atlantic.
It has been a long trek, but I'm nearly there. Just 205 miles remain. Apparently I'm enjoying a long stroll through the Parc naturel régional de la Forêt d'Orient in France's Champagne-Ardenne region.
Will I arrive in time to celebrate my birthday? It will take some concentrated work, but that's my goal!
You can do it! Good job.
Fifty-eight miles to go! I'm in Switzerland! More precisely, Vendlincourt, in the Jura. Nice mountains!
I DID IT! On Friday, June 30 (already a date of note in our family) I "arrived" at the door of that pretty home in Switzerland that was my goal. Too bad I can't really hug those dear people.
Next stop, home—4788 "crow flies" miles away.