The world may be facing some very serious difficulties right now, but the world has always faced serious difficulties.
One of the best ways to combat the depression and ennervation that come during such times is with laughter. Not course, mocking laughter, but the kind of bright, wholesome, joyful comedy that lifts the spirit.
Here's one I found yesterday. It depends for most of its comedy on familiarity with the old television show, Monk, so I know several of my readers might not find it as funny as we did. But I hope you enjoy it anyway. (The fun part starts at about 1:29.)
I watched this the other day. Fun! Oh, and that song! Ugh. So painful. I remember kids singing it on a field trip. The teachers were probably ready to climb out the windows!
You must have loved the episode that hinged on the lady who murdered someone because a TV show had changed its theme song. Clearly, Monk got a lot of flak over that change. I did prefer the first season's.
Thank you for sharing this!
I wasn't complaining about the theme song. He is singing one of the worst songs of all time! Torture.
Ah, Beer on the Wall. We were forbidden to sing it on the bus in my day, which of course made it attractive even to those of us who thought it stupid. To this day I don't know if it was forbidden because of the reference to beer, or for the sake of the adults' sanity.