The day care debate would be only of mild interest to me, given that despite my own strong feelings on the matter, I equally strongly believe that circumstances can be complicated and parents are the best ones to make childrearing decisions for their own families—I say it would be only of mild interest were it not for the growing number of people who believe that "free" day care (paid for by taxes, of course) is the hallmark of civilization.
The other reason I present to you this article on the lastest results from the largest and longest-running study of American child care is the final paragraph. (More)
I remember the response, too.
I've written about the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine campaign before. Now I want to share this excellent article by Gina R. Dalfonzo from Christianity Today, (22 March 07) which begins,
You've probably seen the commercials. Over the last few months, it's been almost impossible not to see them. They parade endlessly across our screens—a multitude of women of all ages, from all backgrounds—and they all have the same urgent message to share: "Tell someone that human papillomavirus causes cervical cancer. Tell someone. Tell someone. Tell someone."(More)To which I can only respond, "We tried."
In Arizona, the winning team in the kindergarten through sixth grade category of the recent state scholastic chess championship must know that their victory is tainted.
At least I hope so. (More)Earlier I wrote about Melissa Busekros, the 15-year-old German girl who was taken from her family to a psychiatric ward and thence to foster care because of her desire to be tutored at home in some subjects. This morning I learned that the five children of a second family have been ordered into state custody by a German court.
(More)The parents reportedly can regain custody of their children only by placing them in public school.
In the order, which was based solely on the parents' decision against sending their children to public school, the family also was told to pay court costs estimated at $4,000.
The judge had concluded that the children were well-educated, but accused the parents of failing to provide their children with an education in a public school. The court noted that one of the daughters expressed the same opinions as her father, showing they have not had the chance to develop "independent" personalities.
Now it's Chinese food that's bad for you! I'm especially sad that they singled out my family's favorite, General Tso's Chicken. And how about this:
This report slams Chinese food for both high sodium and high calorie content. What's critically missing is any mention of portion size. I don't know anyone who thinks that the plates they serve you at Chinese restaurants were meant to be consumed by one person, and I'm sure both the calorie and the sodium numbers would look much better if analyzed for reasonably-sized portions. Eating less makes a lot more sense than following this advice: "[Stay] away from duck sauce, hot mustard, hoisin sauce, and soy sauce." Could you then still call it Chinese food???[E]ating an order of lemon chicken, which is battered and then deep-fried, is like eating three fried McDonald's McChicken sandwiches then washing them down with a 32-oz. Coke.
This article on making moral judgments is a good example of the kind of false dilemma that drives me crazy. It reminds me of those soul-tearing questions sometimes inflicted on schoolchildren—by each other, and even by teachers—such as "If your house were burning and you could only save one parent, which would you choose, your mom or your dad?" I remember teaching my own kids that "I don't answer ridiculous questions" is a perfectly acceptable response.
The dilemma posed in the experiment is this: "Someone you know has AIDS and plans to infect others, some of whom will die. Your only options are to let it happen or to kill the person. Do you pull the trigger?" The premise, "your only options are to let it happen or to kill the person" is spurious, since there are always other options. They could at least have set up a more plausible scenario, such as a sniper shooting steadily into a crowded schoolyard and you having a gun trained on the sniper—do you shoot him? But even in that case one can shoot to disable, even though there's a chance your shot will end up fatal.
What they discovered about the responses of people with a particular type of brain damage may be important in helping those people and their families, but it's hard to see any general application that can come from false premises. (More)
A friend sent me the following YouTube link. WARNING: Parts of the video are offensive, and if you go to YouTube and read the comments, many of them are extremely offensive. Nonetheless, both are part of the point I want to make. Since my commentary contains some spoilers, you have to click on the "more" link to read it.
My friend headed the link with "This nation's school system has created a nation of morons." I couldn't agree more with her statement, but the video does nothing to prove it. Selective editing can show anything, especially when combined with preconceived notions of what you want to prove.
It's the comments that are truly disturbing. If the film was no doubt edited to show the stupidest responses, I'm pretty sure the comments are a random sample—though the group of people willing to comment on YouTube is not exactly representative of the world's population. At least I hope not. The venomous, virulent disgust and hatred they spew—often in the form of extremely foul language—is more disturbing to me than ignorance, though they display that as well. Not that I've read all the comments, which numbered over 4000 as of this morning; a hundred or so was all I could stomach.
In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens proclaimed Ignorance most to be feared, "for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased." Ignorance of facts about the world is bad enough, but ignorance of other peoples and cultures is appalling, and I find that there's as much ignorance of America in other countries as there is of other countries here.
The only hope I see for either side is more and more cultural exchange programs. And everyone should read Why the Rest Hates the West, too.
A few comments on the questions and answers: My first reaction to the challenge of naming a country that begins with "U" was "Uganda." Most people would say our country begins with "A." I doubt most of the French, which asked what letter their country's name begins with, would respond, "R" ("Republique francaise"). No matter how official "United States" is, and no matter how frustrating it is to Canadians, Mexicans, and South and Central Americans, "America" is too well entrenched as a name for our country for anyone to expect otherwise. Though I did think "Yugoslavia" was a cute answer.
I also missed the KFC question, though I maintain that "Utah" as an answer is only partly right. The first franchise may have been in Utah, but Kentucky really deserves credit as its homeland.
And I totally understand the guy who said Germany was part of the Axis of Evil. He, perhaps more than anyone, shows that our school system has provided Pope's "a little learning." He remembers "Axis" vaguely from his studies of World War II, and he knows Germany was our enemy then, so....Or you can substitute "Conservatives" and "Liberals" for a more general application.
This unfair generalization is based on observations I made over thirty years ago, and it still encapsulates much of what I find incomprehensible and wrong about politics. It frustrates me that those who apparently care little about concerns that are close to my heart (suffering people, the environment, diversity, families, and freedom of choice) tend to promote policies that advance those causes, while those who speak loudly (and often even sincerely) in favor of these good things support actions that are detrimental, often disastrously so.
So when I awoke to a Random Observations post that expresses my concern better than I ever could, I had to share it with you.Happy Pi Day to all my nerdy friends and relatives!
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Just for you, my dear Northerners, I have run around the house changing the clocks, and will get up unconscionably early tomorrow. Daylight Saving Time makes little sense in our part of the world, and it seems yet more ridiculous to make the change even earlier this year.
But I do recall that it wasn't so bad to have the time change when we lived up north. So I'll put up with it for your sakes. But it does show what part of the country really runs the government, doesn't it?For those of you who might be a little homesick for Florida:
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Serious collectors of anything can have serious problems when they die. We've all heard of the numismatist whose rare coins were piously dropped one by one into the church collection plate by his widow, and the philatelist whose valuable stamps were used for postage; of antiques sold at estate sales for junk-furniture prices; of a genealogist's lifetime's worth of painstaking work tossed as worthless papers.
But geologists might have another problem. Someone's carefully documented rock collection caused panic in a Florida pawn shop. (More)Permalink | Read 2144 times | Comments (0)
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I wrote earlier about our failing telephone system. We limped along for a week with all calls forwarded to one or the other of our cell phones. Actually, it wasn't much of a limp. It was slightly annoying not to be able to have more than one person on this end of a call, and since my cell phone has no "free" minutes (it's a prepaid plan), I was conscious of the cost of every call. But it wasn't that much, really. A definite plus was that the forwarding message, "please wait while we try to contact your party" effectively foiled all those robotic telemarketers!
Still, now that it's fixed (details follow), I'm glad not to be so tied to my cell phone. I said to Heather, "I feel like a teenager, carrying my cell phone in my pocket all the time," to which she replied, "You're not a teenager, Mom. You still jump every time it rings."
So, I'm sure you're all wondering: What was wrong, and how did we fix it? (More)Bearing in mind that one of this children is eight, and the other three—can anyone doubt they are related?
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