My recent visit with our grandchildren reminded me of why I don't like video/computer games. I don't mean I don't like to play them; I know all too well how addicted I can get if I allow myself to get started.
It began, of course, with television. When the technological wonder entered my home when I was seven, I was already familiar with its delights, thanks to the generosity of our neighbors. We matured together, television and I, and with such a sibling it's no wonder we bonded strongly as the years passed. It was not a healthy bond, and I'm thankful that I went to college before televisions were ubiquitous in the dormitories, because those four years of abstention were the beginning of my liberation. It would be many years and much struggle before I could declare myself free, but never again would the glowing opium box control my life. (More)School at the Daley household could hardly have been called normal, since Grandma was there as a distraction and Mommy was sick for the first part of my visit. Nonetheless, I enjoyed my glimpse into the official, sit-at-the-table side of their 24/7 educational process.
Jonathan is not at the moment as excited about math as he is about reading—unlike his Aunt Janet at that age, for whom reading was all right but math was a bowl full of candy. He's doing well, though, with basic addition and subtraction (and even some simple multiplication and division), and enjoys the "math paths" that Grandma sends him in the mail, problems like this one:
If there's an advantage to Mommy being sick, it's that Grandma got to supervise, i.e. watch, Noah doing his chores. His is not a difficult regimen, but still pretty impressive for a three-year old, particularly the enthusiasm with which he demonstrated his skills.
- Clear his own breakfast dishes off the table and put them in the dishwasher.
- Brush his teeth.
- Make his bed.
- Sweep under the table, which is only fitting, since most of the crumbs seem to be his.
- "Help Mommy," which on this particular day meant cleaning the tub in the bathroom.
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The future may belong to the Indians, or perhaps the Africans—or anyone who grows up in a multilingual environment. Adding to the evidence of the benefits to the brain of speaking multiple languages is the research of Lera Boroditsky at Stanford University. (Newsweek article by Sharon Begley.)
When the world's tallest vehicular bridge,* the Viaduc de Millau, opened,
German newspapers described how it "floated above the clouds" with "elegance and lightness" and "breathtaking" beauty. In France, papers praised the "immense" "concrete giant." Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power?
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv (Algonquin Books, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2005)
I'm sorry to say I gave this book short shrift, but reading time has been scarce lately, and I must return it to the library today. I can say, however, that it is a must-read for anyone who is not already convinced that children need, as one of life's basic necessities, plenty of time in the natural world: hiking, camping, and learning with their families, building forts and tree houses, exploring on their own, and just being in the world of bugs and fish, stars and sand dunes, trees and caverns. If for you this kind of exhortation is preaching to the choir, it's probably still worth at least skimming it as much as I did, if only for the shock value of learning that today's children are even more cut off from such activities than you had imagined. (More)
A common theme over at the Front Porch Republic is a respect for place: for home and community, for not only eating locally but being locally, staying in (or returning to) one's hometown rather than venturing off to "better" places. The article Root Hog or Die is where I chose to ask a question that has been bothering me about this approach to life, much as I like some of the ideas. (More)
A friend alerted me to an article on midwives from the May 20, 2009 Orlando Sentinel. It's about a recently-developed program of the Orange County Health Department that provides hospital-based midwife services for low-income women in the Orlando area, and told me some things I didn't know about midwives and Florida law.
Knowing from experience that links to Sentinel articles break after a while, I'll provide a few relevant excerpts below. (More)
Daniel Hauser, a 13-year-old boy with cancer, is being forced to receive treatment that both he and his parents have refused.
I often find myself in the minority when I argue for parental rights. Doctors, teachers, social workers, and "concerned citizens" fret over the idea that parents should be allowed to make decisions that they believe are not in the bests interests of their children. In one sense it's hard to blame them, as these are often people who are in a position to see better than most the consequences of physical, emotional, and educational neglect and abuse. (More)"It is imperative that Daniel receive the attention of an oncologist as soon as possible," wrote Brown County District Judge John R. Rodenberg in an order to "apprehend and detain....His best interests require it."
It seems appropriate that Katherine Dalton's The Immoral Life of Children should appear on the Front Porch Republic just after a conversation I had with Heather about children's art books. A friend of hers uses a particular homeschooling curriculum that she likes, but finds herself censoring certain illustrations in the art history sections that she deems inappropriate for elementary-age children.
I happen to disagree with this mother's approach. Not that there isn't plenty of so-called art that I wouldn't want our grandchildren to see—pretty much the same art that I don't want to see, myself—but I have no objection to art nudes, per se, even for young children. It may be that the Supreme Court will soon be unable to tell the difference between Michelangelo's David (picture alert) and something indecent, but I can. :) However, I don't understand the publisher of that curriculum. If I think (as I do) that there are works of art which everyone should be able to recognize and appreciate, and if the list happens to include nudes (as it does), nonetheless I can't think of any potentially offensive work that is critical for an elementary-aged child to view. Any introduction to art necessarily excludes vastly more than it includes; one ought to be able to put together quite an impressive elementary-age art curriculum without tempting mothers to deface the pages of the books. What bothers me more is that this mother's over-protectiveness seemingly precludes taking her child to an art museum, an omission I think of much graver consequence. (More)Permalink | Read 2133 times | Comments (0)
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A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family, by Mary Ostyn (Gibbs Smith, Layton, Utah, 2009)
This book sounded useful to Heather, who wishes both to have a large family and to retain her sanity, so we bought it for her as a Mother's Day gift. Naturally, I read it first. (Book-gift recipients are accustomed to that behavior from me, I'm afraid.)
I recommend A Sane Woman's Guide to all families who aspire to sanity, even if their hopes don't include a large family. Although I don't agree with all of Mary Ostyn's advice, it's a surprisingly useful collection of ideas in a slim 192 pages, amusingly presented. Here's the table of contents for a quick preview, followed by a few, rather random, excerpts. (More)I thought I was finished writing about Judy's trial and the circumstances that led to it, but Jon wrote some excellent comments in response to a discussion at, and they're worth repeating here. (Following the link will take you to the page where Jon's comments are; from there you can see the whole thread if you'd like.) (More)
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I wrote a long comment to Mark Shiffman's Front Porch Republic article, Why we do not own a Television; not being one to waste an item on a single use if it can be recycled, I reproduce it here. You'll have to follow the link to see the context (and other readers' comments), but I think what I wrote is pretty clear on its own.
To my total surprise and (almost) mortification, I write in defense of television. I agree with some of the comments that DVD is the only way to go, but most if not all of the content I find valuable on DVD originated in the TV and movie media, so despising them completely would be a bit hypocritical on my part. (More)More random tidbits found while sweeping the corners of the Internet.
Professor John Stackhouse gives a cheer, a half a cheer, and a hiss to Charles Darwin in honor of his birthday:
(More)[W]e can all cheer Darwin's work in bringing microevolution—the phenomenon of small-scale changes happening within species as they adapt to their environment—into focus. Even "creation science" proponents grant the reality of evolution on this scale.
This Stone Soup cartoon makes me think, not of our children, who have learned from us and built well upon what they've learned, so that we in our turn have learned from them, but about our society in general, as we (re)discover the virtues of thrift and living within one's means; of childbirth as a natural, personal process; of breastfeeding; of small farms and organically-grown food; of respecting, enjoying, and conserving our natural environment. We knew all this 40 years ago; how did we fail to pass it on? Probably in the same way our parents' and grandparents' generations failed to pass their virtues on to us....
Not that progress isn't being made: somehow we've managed to make smoke-free airplanes and restaurants stick, for one thing; and many in the next generation are rediscovering what was lost between our parents' generation and ours: the blessings of having many children. :)Permalink | Read 3108 times | Comments (0)
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I have no more information yet than is in this Post-Gazette article, but it looks as if the seven-year ordeal is finally over. If it's not the vindication and ringing endorsement of birthing rights I was hoping for, it's probably the best we could have hoped for from a judge who is also a doctor. I'm not sure how he managed to convict Judy for not having a license, since Pennsylvania doesn't license Certiied Professional Midwives, but I can't imagine Judy will not pay the $100 fine and move on. Other midwives have pled guitly to worse in order to stop the torture and expense.
Perhaps the Amish, who rely on non-nurse midwives like Judy, will—if reluctantly—push harder for better midwifery laws in Pennsylvania.
Judith A. Wilson, 53, of Portersville, was found not guilty by Common Pleas Judge Donald E. Machen of the most serious charges [involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment], but found guilty of practicing midwifery without a certificate. She was fined $100.
Life has not stopped for us, no more than for Judy, in these seven years, but it is very good not to have this sword dangling over our necks anymore.
I hope to learn more—news reports, especially initial ones, being suspect—and will fill in here when I can. Thanks to so many of you for your earnest prayers for us all. (Earlier posts on this subject are The Trial, Part II; The Trial; and Options In Childbirth: A Personal Odyssey.)Permalink | Read 2358 times | Comments (4)
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