Our kids grew up largely ignorant of Sesame Street, and I'm not one bit sorry for that, but this seems to have been written for grandson Joseph.* (H/T Pami)
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Although I've been a Democrat for every one of my 50 voting years, I've been accused of abandoning the party by voting more often for Republicans than Democrats in recent years. I've never been a party-liner for any party, but I don't deny the truth of that accusation. I will plead, however, that it was my party that abandonned me, taking oppositional positions on many of the most important issues, not the least of which is the right and responsibility of parents to direct the education of their own children.
Be that as it may, it gives me pleasure to announce that my hero-of-the-day is a Democrat, the Governor (redux) of California, Jerry Brown. Why? Because of what he wrote, refusing to sign into law a bill that would have criminalized, for everyone under 18, skiing or snowboarding without a helmet. (H/T Free-Range Kids)
I am returning Senate Bill 105 without my signature.
This measure would impose criminal penalites on a child under the age of 18 and his or her parents if the child skis or snowboards without a helmet.
While I appreciate the value of wearing a ski helmet, I am concerned about the continuing and seemingly inexorable transfer of authority from parents to the state. Not every human problem deserves a law.
I believe parents have the ability and the responsibility to make good choices for their children.
I'm not sure which is my favorite line. It's a tie among "I believe parents have the ability and the responsibility to make good choices for their children," "I am concerned about the continuing and seemingly inexorable transfer of authority from parents to the state," and "Not every human problem deserves a law."
Well done, Governor Brown! We may disagree on many points, but when you're right, you're right, and I'm happy to celebrate the victory.
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
I've seen it on bumper stickers for years, and just today at the bottom of my Penzey's Spices receipt. Only now did I finally wake up to the outrageous insult implied by that platitude.
With all due respect to teachers, of which there are some who are great and many, many more who do their jobs very well, how is it that we presume that a child, who requires only a reasonably supportive environment to learn to eat, to crawl, to walk, to understand, to talk, to love, to manipulate his environment—in short to acquire the essential skills of a lifetime in just a few years—how is it that we presume he cannot learn to read—a minor skill compared with all he has already learned—unless someone teaches him?
That's crazy talk.
I'm grateful for all who are willing to share their knowledge with others, and especially for those who make the sharing enjoyable. I suspect that those who do best, however, are the ones who realize they are not teaching so much as facilitating a child's natural learning.
But that turns out to be much too big an issue to write about just because I was annoyed by a bumper sticker, when I'm surrounded by vacation detritus, my husband is hungry, and I haven't yet managed that shower I promised myself after walking four miles in the 95 degree heat....
This is a mighty sad article. The British government has issued official guidelines aimed at getting the under-five crowd moving.
The British government says children under five, including infants, should exercise every day. The guidelines recommend children under five be physically active for at least three hours per day, they also say that babies should be doing tummy time or in-swim lessons with their parents to help them gain strength.
Well, good for the British government, if it's really necessary. Is this the fruit of the back-to-sleep campaign, long rides in car seats, baby swings, strollers, bouncy seats, playpens, walkers, baby videos, and other well- and not-so-well-intentioned interventions?
All the under-fives I know (not to mention more than a few five-and-overs) have no problem whatsoever being active for three hours practically every waking minute each day. Every mother of a toddler from the creation of the world has no doubt groaned more than once, "If I could only bottle that energy...."
The British government's expressed concern is with the later risk of adult obesity, but if our toddlers must be prodded to be active, we're looking at more of a problem than that. It's nothing less than a sea change in the development of the human race.
You may remember Michael Merzenich as one of the major researchers mentioned in The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. Merzenich is no doubt a better researcher than a speaker; this lecture is not nearly as good—and certainly not as comprehensive—as the book. But it will take less than 25 minutes of your time, and is worthwhile if only for his explanation of the dangers of white noise—continuous, disorganized sound—to an infant's brain, and for the hope he holds out to those of us who grew up with the depressing idea that once you reach adulthood (or perhaps early teens, or even age six, depending on who you believe), you are basically stuck with the brain you've got.
Michael Merzenich on re-wiring the brain
(Granchild warning: I don't know if you consider "crap" objectionable, but there are a few instances between 17:00 and 18:30.)
The United States is a pretty good place to be if you're a girl. When we think of girls in need of rescue from sexual oppression, other countries come to mind, such as Thailand, Afghanistan, China, and many places in Africa. Yes, there is sex trafficking in America, brought nearer the surface through big events like the Super Bowl, but it's not generally a place where to be born female is to be born into especial danger.
And yet there is a form of sexual slavery here that endangers our girl children, and that it is not on the order of life under the Taliban is no excuse for not fighting it where we can. Jennifer Moses, writing in the Wall Street Journal, exposes one battle front in Why Do We Let Them Dress Like That? Why do so many barely-teens adorn themselves like a child molester's dream? And why are their parents complicit?
Why do so many of us not only permit our teenage daughters to dress like this—like prostitutes, if we're being honest with ourselves—but pay for them to do it with our AmEx cards? I posed this question to a friend [who replied,] "The girls in the sexy clothes are the fast girls. They'll have Facebook pictures of themselves opening a bottle of Champagne, like Paris Hilton. And sometimes the moms and dads are out there contributing to it, shopping with them, throwing them parties at clubs. It's almost like they're saying, 'Look how hot my daughter is.'" But why? "I think it's a bonding thing," she said. "It starts with the mommy-daughter manicure and goes on from there."
I have a different theory. It has to do with how conflicted my own generation of women is about our own past, when many of us behaved in ways that we now regret. A woman I know, with two mature daughters, said, "If I could do it again, I wouldn't even have slept with my own husband before marriage. Sex is the most powerful thing there is, and our generation, what did we know?"
So here we are, the feminist and postfeminist and postpill generation. We somehow survived our own teen and college years (except for those who didn't), and now, with the exception of some Mormons, evangelicals and Orthodox Jews, scads of us don't know how to teach our own sons and daughters not to give away their bodies so readily. We're embarrassed, and we don't want to be, God forbid, hypocrites.
I wouldn't want us to return to the age of the corset or even of the double standard, because a double standard that lets the promiscuous male off the hook while condemning his female counterpart is both stupid and destructive. ... But it's easy for parents to slip into denial. We wouldn't dream of dropping our daughters off at college and saying: "Study hard and floss every night, honey—and for heaven's sake, get laid!" But that's essentially what we're saying by allowing them to dress the way they do while they're still living under our own roofs.
Brava! to Ms. Moses for exposing the problem and taking a stand against encouraging our daughters to think of themselves as prey.
On the brighter side, Heather reports that, thanks to the near-hysteria over sun exposure, it is now much easier to find modest bathing suits for girls than it was when she was a child. An SPF-50 bikini serves no purpose. I can't wait to see Faith's new purple shorts-and-shirt combo suit this summer!
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Life is different for a newborn in a large family. I feel rather ridiculous applying the label "large" to a family of five, but even three siblings is sufficient to give a baby quite a different experience from most American babies. The first- and even second-born can easily become the focus of a great deal of parental attention and anxiety—which can be both a blessing and a curse. The third child, however, breaches the one-to-one parent/child ratio. Many parents of one or two children choose to encourage their kids to be competent and independent at an early age, but once a third child enters the family, that's no longer a choice, but a necessity.
There's a lively discussion currently going on at Free-Range Kids about children who have too much done for them, and I was struck by the following comment: (More)
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Faith's two older brothers are off helping Daddy work on the car, so she had luxury of playing with Dad-o's gift all by herself. The three wine corks will no doubt eventually become part of some craft project, but for now they are building blocks. She carefully set down her baby doll—lovingly wrapped in a warm purple blanket—and made a tower, standing the corks all on end (no problems with this two-year-old's coordination). Then she piled them like a woodpile (her family heats with wood), then stood them side by side to make a fence. Next she laid them down, like sleeping people. Then end-to-end to make a snake. Finally, she arranged the corks in an L-shape.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Dat mine dun (gun). Mine OWN dun!"
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Everyday Life: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
I suppose it's cheating to make two posts in a row about someone else's post, but I can't pass up this great Conversion Diary guest post by Simcha Fisher. Her analogy between childbirth and the Child-birth (Christmas) is an imaginative tour de force worthy of Ray Bradbury. (If her writing is less brilliant and esoteric than Bradbury's, it is still excellent, and definitely more uplifting.)
It would be stretching "fair use" too far to quote as much as I'd need to to make her point. Go to the original and follow her from Advent (third trimester) through Christmas (birth, and the first few weeks after) and Epiphany (the light at the end of the tunnel) to Ordinary Time (the return to normal life, with a big difference). Enjoy!
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Two, apparently unrelated, stories shook my complacency this morning, particularly in their juxtaposition.
First (h/t MMG), this disturbing TED talk by Hanna Rosin: New data on the rise of women.
UPDATE August 6, 2019 Apparently this post has become corrupted over time. The link to the TED talk still works, but all text relating to the mysterious second story is missing. And while I continue to love the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V, I now have no idea how it might have been related here.
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Perhaps the worker at Babies R Us had noticed me walking up and down the aisles, examining the toys, sighing, and putting them back. Or perhaps she was just doing her job. But when she asked, in a friendly manner, "Are you finding what you're looking for?" I hesitated, then replied, "No."
"What are you looking for?"
"A toy not made in China."
(Today's Mallard Fillmore comic strip.)
She was certain she could help me, but as she checked toy after toy her astonishment grew. She discovered one item—alas, for a much older child than our six-month-old grandson—made in North America, and I pointed out the one toy I had found that was made in Thailand.* Other than those two, everything was from China. Every. Single. Toy. Clothes are made all over the world, judging from my label-reading experience: Honduras, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Domincan Republic.... But not toys.
I was not surprised, having been through this drill before, but the helpful salesperson was astonished, and even called a supervisor for help. Perhaps that's one reason China has a virtual monopoly on children's toys, and agri-business rules our food supply: we don't know where things come from. I left empty-handed; our grandson will have to make do with something more creative.
*Alas, my sources in Thailand tell me that as far as the safety of children's toys goes, this is no more reassuring than "Made in China." But at least it broke the monotony.
Blackberry = Crackberry? The iPhone is more addictive and targeting children! Well, maybe that wasn't Apple's intention, but they did make their phone so easy even tiny kids can use it. My brother tipped me to a New York Times article on parents who use their iPhones to pacify whining offspring, and the toddlers who consider the phone to be the best toy in the toybox.
Instead of writing about how impressed I am with the tiny kids' abilities (and I am), or how depressed I am about yet another video addiction in chidren's lives (ditto), I'll use the context to mention our own toddler/computer story.
One day Heather discovered two-year-old Faith sitting at the computer, typing away in their Open Office word processing program. She assumed Jon had set it up for her, but that was not the case.
No one knows how she did it. This is no consumer-friendly iPhone, nor even Windows, but a Linux-based system only a geek could love. Go, little geeklet!
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Don't you just love it when an otherwise obscure reference clicks in your mind?
First, one of my favorite non-family blogs, The Occasional CEO, has a post entitled Steampunk in Pictures. Steampunk, Wikipedia tells me, is a subgenre of science fiction. Wait—I cut my teeth on science fiction, and I'd never heard of it? Turns out steampunk came of age during the 1980's and 90's, when our kids were cutting their teeth and I was too busy to keep up with that part of my former life. (More)
In case you haven't seen it, check out the 12 Composers of Christmas. (H/T musician friend Sarah D.)
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Category Children & Family Issues: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Just for Fun: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
You’re surprised I waited so long for this one, right? I value home education so highly that my gratitude for that privilege almost goes without saying. (But gratitude should never go without saying.) Because my joyous thanksgiving for the legal protection that homeschoolers now enjoy cannot be overstated, I will understate it here.
Educational opportunities have expanded for everyone, not just homeschoolers, over the last 50 years. (More)