Photo credit Grammy (probably)
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I keep writing about our new church while the main post of introduction is still rambling about in my head. But so it goes sometimes.
Today we celebrated Feast of Saint Francis with the Blessing of the Animals. Although we've been in several churches that observe this practice, this is the first in which the blessing was done during the service, and thus the first we've experienced. (It's technically not true that we have no pets, but I declined to bring our uncountable number of worms—well over 2000, I believe, and they don't stay still enough to count; plus, they keep hatching.)
For the occasion, we combined our two services into one, and held it outdoors in the warm (but not too hot) Florida sunshine. The rest of the service was a normal, Episcopal, mostly Rite II worship service. The Blessing of the Animals occurred after the Passing of the Peace and before the Eucharist. (And in case you were wondering, after touching all those animals, the priests did wash their hands before serving Communion.)
By far the majority of the beasts were dogs, but I also saw cats and rats (but no elephants) and birds, including an owl (barn owl, I think, but I didn't ask), which came with someone who works at a birds of prey rescue center. And, there was ... a snake. A sweet little corn snake, and not only did both priests handle it, one let it climb around over his neck. So yes, we are now attending a church of snake handlers.
Through the magic of YouTube I can also include a record, for myself if no one else, of the two anthems we sang. Not of us singing them, however.
First, Praise His Holy Name by Keith Hampton.
[Update 10/11/2019. I'm pretty sure there was orginally more post between this and the final paragraph, but it seems to have disappeared.]
And those who know me well will get an inkling of why I love this church when I say that I happened to be standing right in front of the speaker (this being an outdoor service, we relied on an electronic keyboard for accompaniment), and while I would rather have not been so close, it was bearable, even without earplugs, unlike many of my previous experiences.
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It's been the required eight weeks since I last gave blood, so I made an appointment to do so. It's pretty convenient now; you can do it online, and there's a Big Red Bus scheduled to be nearby at frequent intervals.
I have been tempted to ask if they handle the blood better than other aspects of the donation process. Tempted, but I haven't given in, there being no point in unnecessarily angering the person who's about to plunge a needle into my arm. But I do wonder sometimes.
My appointment was for Friday, at our local Best Buy parking lot. When I received my appointment confirmation, I was confused, because the address they gave me was not the Best Buy address. Nevertheless, I was assured that the bus would be at Best Buy. And, indeed, there was a big red vehicle in sight as I approached, but it proved on closer inspection to be a Budweiser truck, which deals in a different sort of liquid altogether.
I decided to check out the actual address I had been given, but the bus wasn't there, either. "Weren't you informed?" asked the friendly person on the other end of the phone when I called the blood center. "The drive was changed to Sunday." No, I had not been informed, unless you count the e-mail I had received on Friday, reminding me of my appointment. It was simply a form notification, which I hardly looked at, as Google Calendar had been there, done that for me already. My mistake, I suppose, because although nothing was said about a date change, the e-mail did have Sunday as my appointment date.
No problem, though, just about 20 minutes of time wasted. I returned today, and there, where it was supposed to be, was the blood bus. It was busy but not crowded, and all went almost smoothly.
I say almost, because as I said last time, they wanted details for all of my trips overseas. It shouldn't have been a big deal, since I was prepared this time with the dates of my Swiss trips. (I'll admit to being a little fuzzy on the number and extent of side trips to Germany, France, and Italy, which are always a few hours here, a few hours there.) So I was surprised when there seemed to be some concern, and the lady came back to me after consulting the master book, asking, "What cities, what regions did you visit?" "All over the map," I replied, "but mostly in Basel and the Luzern area." Back to the book she went. Finally, she returned to me, with the page in question: "We're concerned about malaria," she said. "You see this region over near Mozambique...." The light dawned. "Switzerland," I sighed. "Switzerland. Not Swaziland."
After that, actually losing a pint of blood was a piece of cake.
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Definitely not my kind of music. But check out the guitar solo between 2:63 and 3:12.
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This afternoon we were part of a Messiah sing-along at Rollins College, sponsored by the Messiah Choral Society. We sang through almost all of the choruses, including all of our favorites and some we had to sight-read. What bliss! For most of the choruses it has been nearly fifteen years since we had the pleasure. And the Glory, And He Shall Purify, For unto Us, Glory to God, Behold the Lamb of God, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs, And with His Stripes, All We Like Sheep, He Trusted in God, Lift Up Your Heads, The Lord Gave the Word, Hallelujah, Since by Man Came Death, and Worthy Is the Lamb (with no cuts and including the whole Amen section). Happy sigh.
It was good to be reminded of what an amazing experience (and unusual, for such a small church) we had back in the St. Paul's choir when St. Paul's was the church it once was. It was also good to discover how much we have both grown, musically, in the intervening years, even though we've almost never sung such great music again.
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Pre-Internet, I wrote to letters to the Orlando Sentinel a lot. That's "to," not "for"; no money came my way, though I was invited three times to a nice dinner at their Letter Writers' Forum. Got a nice tea mug each time, too. Then I found other outlets for my writing obsession. Specifically, this blog, which is both more "local" in the sense of reaching family and close friends—though they read it from all over the world—and more global, with a potential audience much larger than that of a local paper. My print output plummeted.
But yesterday, on a whim, I decided to write down my mental rebuttal to a recent article and send it in. The process is much faster these days, and my letter appeared in today's paper. The article, which I've linked to on another site since the Sentinel has started charging for online access to much of their content, concerned our increasing propensity for outsourcing our personal lives. I, too, deplore the tendency, but what inspired me to write was a quotation from sociology professor Arlie Russell Hochschild, author of The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life in Market Times, who appears to blame the situation on the commercialization of life.
These services are only likely to proliferate in a world that undermines community, disparages government, marginalizes nonprofits and believes in the superiority of what's for sale.
To which I replied, "Huh?" before setting down something more articulate. My letter is still (at the moment) available on the Sentinel site (it's the last one), but in case it disappears, I invoke author's privilege and publish it here, as well. (The headline is the Sentinel's, not mine.)
Ultimate trust: Send a child to school
Turning over to professionals more and more of what we used to call "living" is indeed a disturbing sociological trend ("Outsourcing your life," Orlando Sentinel, Aug. 9).
Professor Arlie Russell Hochschild is wise in her recommendation that each of us must make his own, reasoned decisions and choose what is simply too personal and too important to trust to strangers.
But in attributing the outsourcing trend to "a world that ... disparages government" she is forgetting that it is the government, not commercial interests, to which we have long entrusted much that is highly personal and vitally important. Most of us now expect the police, not the rifle hanging over the door, to keep our families safe from marauders.
And every time families send new kindergartners to public school, they are expressing a faith in government unsurpassed by anything religion could hope for.
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So sad. Our washing machine gave great service for over 10 years, so I guess in terms of today's normal appliance lifespan it doesn't owe us anything. But it is still in great shape, inside and out, according to the repairman who just left. Unfortunately, the motor is giving out, and it's a problem that is not repairable -- only because that motor is no longer made, and replacing it (which our repairman used to do all the time with no trouble) now costs too much to be worthwhile. How sad that a good machine must end up as scrap just because the company would rather sell new machines than old parts.
On a related note: has anyone bought a machine in the last five years and been happy with it? If so, what are your recommendations? (I limit it to the last five years because apparently some brands have made major changes recently that have significantly affect lifespan.) Thanks!
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When Porter came home from a two-week business trip, he commented, "Wow, the house looks great!" I was momentarily taken aback, because—in contrast with many of his previous out-of-town stays—I had not done anything special to prepare for his arrival. On the contrary, the house had looked that good for more than a week.*
Lower case, no exclamation point, sotto voce—lest the shy bird be startled and take flight, as she has so many times before. But I told my daughters that if I lasted a month with my new organizational system, I'd write about it.
I'd like to be an original thinker, but what I'm actually proficient at is assembling, compiling, and melding other people's good ideas into something that fits my situation. This was especially true in family life and education, where what at first glance may have appeared unique, or at least unusual, was merely my take on the best of what I found from a multitude of sources.
So, too, with my efforts at organization and homemaking. At the heart of my new system is David Allen's Getting Things Done, but discerning readers will recognize the influence of Don Aslett, Steven Covey, FlyLady, Sandra Felton, Malcolm Gladwell, and a host of other inspirations, including family and friends.
I made my first effort to implementing GTD two years ago. I knew then that I'd been handed an extremely powerful tool that would reform my life. I made myself a Tickler file, I created Next Action folders, and I reaped significant benefit from them ... but the whole system never really got off the ground. Mostly, I told myself, because "life interfered"—travel, visitors, and other disruptions shook up the system before it could become established as a habit. Not that I would have traded any of the wonderful experiences I had, but they were, in my mind, the reason I didn't make progress.
Now I'm not so sure. I'd be a fool to deny the detrimental effects of disruptions (especially unhappy ones) on a newborn self-improvement program, but in this case I now believe the crucial problem was that I had not had time (made time / had inspiration) to customize the program, to make it my own.
Porter's trip was the inspiration for tackling that project. I'll spare you the nitty-gritty of the construction, except to say that most importantly it was a recursive process. We perfectionists prefer that our projects have a long design phase. "Measure twice, cut once" is our motto, and besides, planning is usually much more fun than implementation. But what got this project off the ground and into a useful form was an ongoing design-implement-evaluate-revise-repeat plan. Sometimes (often?) you just don't know what will work until you try it.
Enough talk. So what am I actually doing?
I'm still using my Tickler file. I love having a place to "file and forget until needed" concert tickets, driving directions for a future trip, birthday cards I've been inspired to write but which won't be mailed until later, information to bring to a doctor appointment, etc.
I'm also using Allen's Next Action, Projects, and Someday/Maybe folders, though this part still needs some revision.
Although these are anathema to GTD, my system relies on to-do lists. I'm over trying to fit myself into what "should" work, and at leat at this point in my life, I need the inspiration of seeing the day's work laid out in front of me, with little check boxes that I can triumphantly, physically, mark off when the task is completed. What's more, although i can do preliminary work on the lists in advance, I also need the inspiration of creating a customized list the night before, specifically for the next day, and printing it out. I've tried putting my lists on the computer, and it just doesn't work for me. At least not now.
The lists take two forms:
A Routine List, which sets out the basics of what I want to accomplish every day. These are so standard that I print the list only once per week, and it has checkboxes for Monday through Saturday. This list owes a lot to FlyLady's Morning and Evening Routines, but mine covers the whole day. For example, the worms need their "air conditioning" refreshed once a day, and it makes no sense to give them their frozen water bottle in the morning or the evening: they need it during the hottest part of the day. Also, I want to work through my language exercises four times per day, spread out more or less evenly. The lists are roughly divided into before and after mealtimes, but there's a good bit of overlap and flexibility as well.
Daily Lists lay out, for each weekday and Saturday, what I hope to accomplish that day. Some items are standard, such as "take out trash" on Mondays and Thursdays, and "yard work" on Tuesdays. Others I fill in during my Weekly Review time, during which I evaluate the past week and look forward to the next. Still others are added as I think of them during the week. It all comes together the night before, when I check my Tickler and my Action folders, transferring items to the Daily List as appropriate, and printing the final result. Did I say final? Not really. Often I'll add something by hand that comes up after the list has been printed.
It is easy to let the lists get out of hand. I keep my Routine List to one page, with the table set up so that I can't put more than 38 items on the list. In order to fit in what I want, I sometimes cheat by grouping items, e.g. "check & clear e-mail / blogs / Facebook / moderate comments" is one item. That works because I don't group items until they have become such a habit that they get done together and I'm happy not checking them off until all are accomplished. When I'm establishing new habits I need the satisfaction of checking of the baby steps; once established, I am okay with the groups and can take on the challenge of making room for something new on the list.
The Daily Lists are also one page only, and I've made the table size bigger so there's only room for 18 entries. Sometimes I fill them all, sometimes I don't. The trick, I've found, is having enough to challenge me but not so many that I get discouraged. Too few items and I procrastinate because I think I have lots of time; too many and I procrastinate because "I'm not going to get them all done, anyway." Ideally I find myself stretching to get just a couple more things done so I can have the satisfaction of completing the list. I'm still working on getting the right balance. I don't prioritize the items, exactly, but the Daily Lists are roughly divided into "must do" and "would like to do" tasks.
Daily and weekly jobs go on the printed lists, but anything less frequent than weekly gets a card that goes into my Tickler file. Originally I had cards for daily and weekly tasks in my Tickler (despite Allen's admonition not to), but I've found the lists work much better for me. For biweekly, monthly, or other less frequent items, however, the Tickler is still the simpler solution.
That's the basic structure. Simple, no? But the devil—and the success—was in the details. It was a grueling two weeks, mentally and physically, as I gradually put it all together. Monday and Tuesday went swimmingly, but by Wednesday afternoon I found myself exhausted—mostly mentally, I'll admit, though the constant low-level pain of a flare-up of plantar fasciitis can't be ignored as a limiting factor. I had been working pretty steadily from 6 a.m. till 10 p.m. for two and a half days, and had put too much on Wednesday's list, so that I moved out of the stretch zone and into the procrastinate zone. Quadrant IV activities were looking pretty good. It's hard to explain, but in many ways it was the structure that was the mental drain. Although my plan included three sets per day of purposeful relaxation exercises, I hadn't left any time in the schedule for spontaneity, the lack of which my mind interpreted as a need for rest. I scaled back for Thursday and managed to recover my energy and my momentum.
The next week I anticipated the Wednesday slump, made sure I structured the activities to be more rewarding and less taxing, and managed not to hit the wall until Friday. By the third week, even though I was doing more, I had begun to ride the wave, and the structure became my friend rather than my enemy. I had created a workable system, and along the way had made good progress in several far-behind areas of my life.
That, believe it or not, is the short version. Below are some details and a few observations I've made along the way: (More)
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It was my kind of outing: a great concert, not far away, and only 50 minutes long. Central Florida Community Arts presented an all-John Rutter choral concert at the Maitland Presbyterian Church. I love Rutter's music, and I'm so happy to be in a church where we get to sing a lot of it. In fact, just last Sunday we sang the concert opener, For the Beauty of the Earth, so all the notes were fresh in our memories. The other works were A Dedication and Amen, A Gaelic Blessing, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, and The Lord Bless You and Keep You, concluding with the marvellous Gloria.
For your listening pleasure, here's a version of For the Beauty of the Earth that's better than both what we sang and what we heard :)
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I didn't see Aly Raisman win her Olympic gold medal in floor exercise, as it was shown past even my Olympic-extended bedtime. But I did watch the balance beam competition earlier, and that's where I saw her gold-medal performance. Yes, I know she won bronze on balance beam. But until her shockingly low score was re-evaluated and raised by the judges, she thought she had lost to Romanian Catalina Ponor.
What did Raisman do when she realized she had lost the bronze? Did she cry, or swear, or sulk? No, she walked over to Ponor and gave her a congratulatory hug.
Frankly, I find the Olympics mostly boring these days, now that the competitors and their performances are no longer amateur. As a friend of ours, a National Football League referee, once said of football, "Don't kid yourself. This is about business, not sport." Raisman's display of good sportsmanship was the best thing I've seen from the London Olympics so far.
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Skip this post if you are tired of reading about our fabulous grandchildren. :)
I was talking with Janet the other day, and as I usually do, I asked what new cute things our grandkids were doing.
"Well," she replied, "Joseph counted nearly to 50."
This puzzled me, as numbers are his passion and a month ago he had happily counted past 150 for me.
Then she added, "in Japanese."
Last night we attended a very enjoyable performance of The Pirates of Penzance, proceeds of which were earmarked for a much-needed upgrade to the sound system at the Lake Brantley High School auditorium. Our choir director and several people from our church were involved. We almost joined the chorus, but demured after remembering that being involved in a theatrical performance is synonymous with having no outside life. Daily rehearsals were more than we could handle. Still, I regret somewhat losing the opportunity to be able to say that every member of our family had sat, however briefly, under the direction of Cindy Berry.
The show was great! Everyone from the principals (local arts educators) to the middle-school policemen did wonderfully well. The Pirate King was played by Christopher McCabe, Brantley alumnus and now the theater director at a local private school. (I believe he was a freshman when Janet was a senior and no longer spending much time on campus, so don't wrack your brains trying to remember him.) If his performance owed just a little too much to Johnny Depp, that didn't stop him from stealing the show.
Pour, oh pour the pirate sherry, fill, oh fill the pirate glass—and raise it in a toast to Joyce K., who taught us to love Gilbert & Sullivan.
Happy Swiss National Day to our family and friends across the sea!
Here are sixteen-plus minutes of this year's fireworks in Basel, in case you missed them in person. I didn't sit through the whole show, but what I did see was very impressive.
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Whenever we're not out of the state—or the country—on July 4, our favorite way to celebrate Independence Day is marching with the Greater Geneva Grande Award Marching Band. That's Geneva, Florida, population 2,940 give or take a few, not the larger and more famous Swiss version. I can't complain about missing the parade this year, as we instead spent the day with family and friends, some of whom had flown all the way from Switzerland (not Geneva) or the Gambia (think West Africa) to be there!
But if we had not been in such illustrious company and more than a thousand miles from home, we'd have been with our GGGAMB family. Camaraderie, music (and then some), free hot dogs, all the water you can drink (and sweat away), the fun of interacting with the crowd, and my all-time favorite arrangement of the Star-Spangled Banner (we miss you, Greg!), all wrapped up in a pleasant mix of old American patriotism and new American diversity.
I've written about the event before (for example, last year), but this time I have videos! We're not in them, but you'll get the idea well enough.
The band plays All Hail, Geneva! with our trademark Union Break in the middle.
If that experience didn't make you run from the room screaming, you can find more from the band here. (Janet, I recommend you click on that link and scroll to the bottom of the page.)
Richard, you did a great job with the cymbals, but I'm coming back anyway.
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If we didn't live in Mickey's backyard, I don't know if our kids would ever have been to Disney World. They never were much into the Disney characters, and (thankfully) were born too soon to be part of the Disney Princess craze. But there’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will—our children grew up in Central Florida, and between good Florida resident deals and free tickets earned through performances at the parks, Disney World was a formative influence in their lives, and ours as well. EPCOT Center, most especially. It was hands down their favorite park, from the very beginning; fortunately, it was their parents' favorite park as well.
It is for them, as well as us, that I share this "heartfelt tribute to EPCOT Center as it existed from 1982-1993." The way it used to be, which of course is much better than it is today. Really. (H/T Ruth S., a World's Worst Marching Band friend)
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